Palatine Immigrants Zeller and Batdorf Connection
LDS members began microfilming original US records in 1938. One of these records was New York Gov. Hunter's subsistence list of money given to German immigrants sent to New York by Queen Ann of England to collect sap from pine trees to be used when building new sailing ships. New York pine trees yielded very little sap, while southern pines were a perfect source. Subsistence payments stopped after 2 years.
2800-3000 Palatines left England. 400 died at sea and 200 died after arriving at New York. This included 100 orphans and 50 widows.
The four recorded Zeller Palatine immigrants were Johann George Zeller, sons Johannes and Johann Henrich and Anna Maria who was younger than age 10. She was probably the daughter of Henrich, because she lived with him until she married Johannes Schaeffer at New York.,
The three recorded Batdorf Palatine immigrants were widow Anna Batdorf (aka Anna Battorffin) and her two step children, Johann Martin and Catherine Elizabetha. Johann Martin married Maria Elizabetha Walborn 9 JUN 1716 at New York and his sister married Christian Wilhelm Walborn 11 DEC 1717 at New York.
The team of professional genealogist, Henry (Hank) Z. Jones found church records at Helmershausen Germany that Peter Batdorf, b abt 1661, married Kunigunda Weygand 16 MAY 1682 and the baptism names and dates for their eight children that included Johann Martin Batdorf baptized 8 JAN 1695 and Catherine Elizabetha baptized 17 JAN 1698. After their last child was baptized 10 JUN 1699 Kunigunda died and Peter married Anna Maria and ship records show Peter, Anna and five children sailed from Rotterdam to London. Peter and three of his children died at London or at sea. Peter’s children, Johann Martin, age 15 in 1710 and his sister Catherine Elizabetha, age 12 in 1710.,
(NOTE: 1 Jacques Zeller and wife Lady Clothilda de Valois was myth.
2; Immigrant Johannes Zeller was never recorded as Johannes George
3, Peter Batdorf who died at London or at sea was not Professor Johann Jacob Peter Batdorf b 1648, or his son Professor Johann Jacob Peter Batdorf b 1671.
The Zeller-Batdorf Connection
Who always supports and protects a widow and her children when her husband dies?
HER KIN! Johann George Zeller and son Johannes lived with the Batdorfs for the two years that they received subsistence and Johann Henrich Zeller and young Anna Maria Zeller were together. The two most obvious relationships are Johann George married a Batdorf woman which would make the children cousins or widow Anna Batdorf was a Zeller. Either way it appears that they were neighbors at Helmershausen Germany before leaving for London.
In 1717 Palatine Ulrich Simmendinger returned to Germany and published a register of the Palatines alive at New York before he left. At Neu-Ansberg were widow Anna Badtorffin and 2 children, Johannes Schaeffer and wife Anna Maria (born Zeller) Henrich Zoller, wife and 3 children and Johannes, wife Anna Catharina and 2 children. Their father Johann George was not listed. He probably died at New York before 1717. This is proof that immigrant Johannes Zeller did not marry widow Anna Batdorf.
S Sources: pages 20 and 21/ 291
Even More Palatine Families, vol 3 (2002) by HZ Jones and Lewis Bunker Rohrbach.