Moredechai Yehuda Jablonowicz - Father of Bejla/Husband of Estera

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I have reviewed the birth record of Bejla Ryfka (1863) and while her father is named Mortek Juda Jablonowitz, I am not convinced this is the same man as Mordechai Yehuda Jablonowicz, husband of Ruchel and father of Louis, Chana, Chaya, Devorah and Leah. Louis' children never stated their grandfather had been previously married or had another child. It seems likely this is a case of similar names. Unless records emerge that show Mordechai Yehuda married Ruchel Rubinstein and was a widower of Estera then I believe the connection between Bejla Ryfka and Estera should be removed.

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