I would love to see what Wachstein wrote about him , and why he thinks it is a mistake.
Rabbi Aryeh Lieb HaKohen of Prague,Mentioned in rabbinical literature, including by Dr. Wonder (section 507), as I attached in the profile picture of:
Rabbi Yechiel HaKohen Rapa, of Venice
Unfortunately, the book is not currently open to everyone, so I cannot see what is written in the section, but if anyone here has a subscription, he/ they can read
Whether this is a mistake that was copied into many books, I have no idea, we need to continue to investigate
I see two difference versions for the paternal line. one Gittel was the daughter of Moshe Landau
Gittel Jekels
and another profile, Gittel is the daughter of Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaKohen Rapaport, ABD Prague
Gittel Eberlis (Rapaport)
Both profiles she is married to Yaakov Eberlish
which is the correct one?