John Meador 1656-1721

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I have a number of questions and inconsistencies with this profile which is shows as MP : John Robert Meador has some very credible references for John Meador, including a publication: "Our Meador families in Colonial America: as found in the records of Isle of Wight, Lancaster, (old) Rappahannock, Richmond, Essex and Caroline Counties, Virginia. (Independence, Missouri: V.P. Meador, 1983), by Meador, Victor P. (Victor Paul), and Bernal M. Meador. Specific reference to John Meador pp. 51-61.

FamilySearch profile:

There are other sources on the FamilySearch site, including the will of John Meador's mother, and most important his own will, excerpted here:

"Will of John Meador 1721"

Where The Record Is Found (Citation)
Will Book 3 p. 284 Will dated 18 Oct 1721 - Probated 21 Nov 1721 - Essex, Virginia Wills, Inventory, Administration of Estates -

Describe The Record (Notes)
WILL:WB 3 p. 284 Will dated 18 Oct 1721 - Probated 21 Nov 1721 - Essex, Virginia Wills, Inventory, Administration of Estates - In the Name of God, Amen. I, John Meador of Essex County, being sick and weak in body, but of sound mind and perfect memory, blessed by God, therefore do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament in the manner and form following:
First and principally, I commend my soul into the hands that giveth, hoping by the meritorious death and passion of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to receive full pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and offences, and a joyful resurrection in the last day; and my body to be decently buried at the direction of my executors hereafter names. And for my worldly goods:
Item. I give to my son Thomas Meador, one shilling.
Item. I give to my daughter Rachel Jordan, one shilling.
Item. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Armstrong, one shilling.
Item. I give to my daughter Dinah Tribble, one shilling.
Item. My desire is that my five sons shall keep their own guns without appraising.
Item. I give to my daughter Mary Meador, one gold ring.
Item. I give to my son Jonas Meador a small piece of land joining upon Thomas Evinses land and running up to the church road that goes from my house, then up a _____ road a small course until it comes to a vale that goes to ye branch, so down the branch till it comes to the forks of the branch where it begins, and from the forks to ye first beginning. And the rest of my land I give to my other four sons, to be Equally Divided, with all my houses and orchards thereon belonging, and I do appoint my two sons Job Meador and Jason Meador my lawful Executors.
Item. I give to my son Joshua Meador one chest not to be appraised, and the rest of my estate divided amongst my children and leave to my youngest Sons to be of age at seventeen and I do leave my son Jonas Meador to look after them three years. And that my will not to be in force till my decease.
Witness my hand and seal this 17th. day of October, yr 1721.
John Meador Senior (seal)

While it is very possible that this refers to a different John Meador, as dates, etc, do not match up with this profile, there is inconsistency also with Elizabeth White shown as the wife of John Meador in this profile as her will is referenced in this book:
"The Descendants of Jonas and Frances Meador of Essex, Caroline and Cumberland Counties, Virginia" by Major Perkins Nunnally, Nine Oaks, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601, January 1972

"John, the father of Jonas, was born about 1650 - 1655 in Lancaster, later Rappahannock, and still later know as Essex County, VA. In 1677 he married Elizabeth White, the daughter of Richard White. Elizabeth died 1693 - 1694, being survived by her husband and sons: John Jr., Richard, Thomas, and Hope. Her daughters: Esther, Rachel, and Elizabeth."

There seems to be some real confusion on this profile and it is much too complex for me to even begin to make suggestions as to how to proceed to sort this out, but I suspect that two line may have been merged and possibly two couples and their offspring have been confused on this profile.

Anyone who can help?!!

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