NN Prince - Native American Legend:

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Today at 3:05 PM

Prince family legend:
Big Eagle" a Cherokee Indian chief and a daughter "Princess" Honeysuckle took refuge in a cave in Morgan County near Crockett, Ky.
The chief died and the "Princess" was mother to sons called "Prince's".
Clarinda Prince Clarenda Skaggs was the daughter of William Prince, a Cheroke Indian Brave.

as told by Thelma Walter.

Today at 3:07 PM

(Chasing the DNA-- chrome 5)

This "legend" mimics that of a cousin who I do not know our common ancestor but is less than fifth great grand.

I'm sure someone else has another retelling of this family legend.
Will look for it soon--- nearing the end of my day.
I will revisit.
Any assistance appreciated.

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