Albert Henry Phillips is the son of John JC Phillips and Bridget Reed, his maternal grandparents are William B Reed (Memorial #55159676)and Sarah Wright (Memorial #182183848)
Alberts father John JC Phillips is buried in Zwolle City Cemetery (Memorial #20123420) as well as his oldest son Claude Lee Phillips (Memorial #89595625), his mother Bridget Reed her death and burial is unknown.
July 14, 1870 Albert is listed in the 1870 US Census in Freestone County Texas with his parents and half brother L.D. Norris
June 17, 1880 Albert is listed in the 1880 US Census in Freestone County Texas as Henry with his parents and half brother L.D. Norris and his sister Kate also known as Sarah Catherine Phillips
Albert married Sarah Alice Morgan between 1893 and 1894. This information is based on the birth of their first child Lula (Lola) M Phillips.
June 7, 1900 Albert is listed in the 1900 US Census in Bayou San Miguel, Sabine, Louisiana with his wife Sarah Alice Morgan and his three children Lula (Lola) M, Claude Lee and John Joseph Phillips, also listed in the census is and Sarah E Morgan his Mother in Law and Lucinda Woods.
April 23, 1910 Albert is listed in the 1910 US Census in Police Jury Ward 5, Bienville, Louisiana with his wife Sarah Alice Morgan and his children Lola (Lula) M, Claude Lee, John, Jesse, James, ? Phillips and Nellie Phillips (also known as Pauline)
The 1920 US Census has not been located.
Albert's last child Mattie Phillips was born in 1921.
On May 2, 1930 Sarah Alice Morgan is listed on the 1930 US Census as a widow living with her son Henry Elton Phillips and his family and her two youngest daughters Mercer and Mattie Phillips.
Albert's death date and burial location is unknown, based on US Census Records his death is between sometime after 1921 and before 1930.
Albert Henry Phillips is my Great Grand Uncle, his sister Sarah Catherine Phillips is my Great Grandmother.