Grey vs blue icon

Started by Jeff Keith Prevéy on Sunday, September 10, 2023
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The Chrome extension for SmartCopy has been working fine for the past few weeks. But, a few days ago the icon has turned grey. I have re-loaded the Chrome browser and make sure the extension was turned on.


That means that SmartCopy is logged out. Try these troubleshooting steps:

Hello. I must be missing something. I have gone thru the discussion and do not find anything about how to log in. I do not recall logging out of SmartCopy. Any help is appreciated.

Jeff Keith Prevéy you follow the link, you will see:


If you are having trouble with SmartCopy 'recognizing' your Geni account, try this:

OK, followed the links. Logged out and logged back in to page will SmartCopy is wanting authorization to access Geni. Approved it. Went to and selected a profile, the icon is still grey.

I have got to missing something.

Did SmartCopy complain when you authorized it?
Don't think it will help, but you could try to clear Geni cookies.(
Do you see any error messages on the Browser Console?

Did to get a complaint, as far as I could tell. No error messages.

Just clear cookie on Chrome browser, icon is still grey.

did, not to. Oops.

If it complained you where not authorized and that is probably the reason it did not turn blue.
I'll leave it to someone with more knowledge.

If you clear cookies, you may have to logon to Geni again. You may then also try to loout/login to SmartCopy again.

Have done all of that. Log-out/log-in all my browsers -Chrome, Safari, Firefox. Did same for

Now, here is a new wrinkle, when I open the Chrome page, the icon is blue. But, when I go to findagrave, the icon is grey.

I am assuming Jeffrey is going to look into this?

Hope he can find the time

Thank you. Any help is good.

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