Consistency Check:
Agerton (Edgarton) Willis contains an alias in his first name.
Sarah Cherokee Indian Slave (Cherokee Indian Slave) is under 14 years old for her marriage.
Joseph J Willis, Jr. born after the death of his mother Rachel Willis (Bradford).
Sarah Sally (Simms ) Willis born after the death of her mother Rachel Willis (Bradford).
Sarah Willis (Johnson) died before her marriage date.
More than 22 year age difference between Elvy Willis (Sweat) and her husband Rev. Joseph Willis, Sr..
Married 4 times:
# Rachael Bradford (1762-1794);
# Sarah from Ireland (b-unknown);
# Sarah Johnson (b-1780); and
# Elvy Sweat (b-1820)
19 children total.
First wife of Rev. Joseph Willis
# mother of Joseph Willis (1789–1854) and
# ?
Died in childbirth
Sarah from Ireland (b-unknown) 2nd wife
Rev. Joseph Willis and his 3rd wife Sarah Johnson had 6 children:
# William R. 1804 LA;
# Lemuel Joseph 1812 LA;
# John 1814 LA;
# Olivia 1815 LA;
# Martha 1825 LA;
# unnamed son born between 1826-1830 buried 1/2 mile from present town of Oakdale, LA.
4th wife Elvy Elizabeth Sweat Willis had 6 children together.
# Samuel b-abt 1835 LA;
# Aimuewell b-1837 LA;
# James b-1841 LA;
# William b-1845 LA killed in the Civil War;
# Timothy b-1847 LA; and
# Bennard "Ben" b-1847 LA.