Louis Dumas, Vicomte De Drui - Louis duMas

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    Geni Pro

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Today at 11:21 AM

@Erica Howton

The FTDNA DeMoss in American DNA Project has been active 7 years on GedMatch as an autosomal project and more recently on FTDNA as a Y haplogroup project.

As of 2023 we have been able to genetically trace the Y haplogroup for Louis duMas/DeMoss through Big Y testers with FTDNA via three well vetted direct line descendants. His refined Y haplogroup is R-FTB75290. Previous testing at lower levels gave a predicted Y haplogroup of R-M269. FTDNA has given the date for the birth of common ancestor at around 1658, with the origin of France.

There is no evidence at the time of this post of the route taken from France to Maryland as FTDNA and ISOGG have not identified any testers that have refined enough testing.

Two Y testers that claim lineage from the Canadian Dumas line of Francois Dumas b 1608 and Margaret Foy who were married 1667 have a predicted Y haplogroup of R-M269. These testers need to upgrade to better refine their results but have not responded regarding doing so.

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