Robert David Bruce is identified as the son of Peter Bruce and his wife Mary Lamb. His birth date is given as 20 February 1826 and his place of birth is given as Kettins in Angus, but there is no record of a birth or baptism for a child named Robert David Bruce at Kettins.
The date of birth given suggests that he might be that son of David Bruce and his wife Marjory Lamb named Robert whose baptism was registered
at Dundee in Angus on 20 February 1826 [NRS: OPR.282/16]
This gives rise to two questions:
(1) Is this man named Robert Bruce, or David Bruce? Or is he Robert David Bruce?
(2) Is he the son of Peter Bruce and Mary Lamb, or is he the son of David Bruce and Marjory Lamb?
It looks to me that a wrong merge has taken place somewhere along the line.
Help resolving this question would be very much appreciated.