I have uploaded census returns, tax returns and other records as Sources.
His Will is handwritten in german and is signed Philip Hinckel.
The English transcription in handrwiting says his name is Philip Hinckel.
The Will index page in handwriting says his name is Philip Hinkel.
The Will pages are from Ancestry from
Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993 for Philip Hinckle
Probate Estate Files, Held, Ludwig-Huyett, Ludwig, 1752-1799
It isn't possible to download a whole page as an image. Only what you see on your screen.
I saved the significant parts.
The Deceased used the name during his lifetime of Philip Hinckel which is the spelling used until the 1700s in Saxony, after which it became Hinkel.
The Deceased signed his Will under the name of Philip Hinckel
He knew what his name was.
His name was corrupted by English speakers as Hinckle, Hinkle, all of which isn't relevant.
His name was ***************** PHILIP HINCKEL ************************* and not Johan Philip Hinkle
The Will images are saved as media items.
The profile is locked/frozen with the false name.
I provided the evidence of his correct name in many documents.
I don't appreciate it when the name is changed back to a name that was not the name of the deceased.
What's the purpose?