Her profile states she is the "Daughter of Edward Fielding and Winifred Dameron"
Source given is https://www.jstor.org/stable/4242645?seq=2#metadata_info_tab_contents
Article by J. L. Miller (a series of articles 1904-1905)
PG 454
Edward and Winifred Fielding had the following children: Ambrose, born January 31, 1689; Sarah, born May 12,1695; ; Rachel, born September 26, 1697;Thomas, born April 22, 1699; Edwin, born about 1701-2. Edward Fielding's will was probated May 19, 1714, with wife Winifred as executrix (this will book has been lost).
However, the above JSTOR author has a book in 1912 that has different parents for Sarah.
pg 157-158
States, "Edward Feilding, the second son, was a justice of Northumberland in March, 1679, and Sept., 1683, and doubtless during the interval. He seems to have been married twice, as in his will, probated June 16, 1696, he left to "my now loving wife Hannah Fielding" the use of all his estate until his sons arrived at legal age, when his estate was to be divided as follows : Eldest son, Edward ,to have the home place and the tract called the "Mill Necke;" Son Richard to have half of a patent for 850 acres he had with Mr. John Harris ; son Ambrose the tract he had from his uncle, "Mr. Edward Fielding of Bristol; infant daughter Sarah to have fifty pounds when she reached the age of eighteen ; daughter Anne a hundred pounds on the following conditions : "I have refused my consent to the present marriage of my daughter Ann to Mr Dennis Connaway Junr, and if they wait the four years till she arrive at the age of eighteen, & Mr. Conaway is more settled, I hereby give my consent & direct my Exrs to pay to my daughter, Ann Ffeilding, £100 Sterl., and if she whedle her mother's consent before sd time she shall have but fifty pounds from my estate."
According to the book by Miller, Edward's will was probated in June 1696, his wife at the time was Hannah, and daughter Sarah was an infant. This contradicts the JSTOR article that has Sarah the 2nd of 5 children, Edward's will was probated in 1714, and his wife was Winifred.
The JSTOR article either refers to a different family with similar names, or the author changed his views about the family pedigree.
If the book is the correct pedigree, the parents of Sarah would be Edward Fielding and Hannah Unknown. Sarah would be the youngest of five children. Edward would have died about 1696.
The book came out about 7 years after the JSTOR article, should we infer he changed his mind?