Adding someone to this project?

Начал Tsachi Merin сегодня
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Сегодня в 1:06 после полудня

I am not able to add this profile:
הדר קמה
Any idea why?
I have added other profiles successfully.

Сегодня в 1:10 после полудня

Anyone who has been added to the חללי מערכות project should be able to add him to this one as well.

Сегодня в 1:19 после полудня

Got it, thanks Dovid Rosenbaum.
I requested to be added to חללי מערכות , my request was approved, and now I can add.
Appreciate the quick reply.

Сегодня в 1:20 после полудня

Added. Do not know why you were not able.

Pay attention to two different ADDITIONAL projects :
חללי מערכות ישראל for soldiers
חללי פעולות האיבה ונפגעי טרור for civilians

Each need to be added to ONE of these in addition to the 2023...project

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