Such information as we have on "Francis Dudley" does not include gender, but does include the highly indicative circumstance of "Francis" having a son (Ambrose DUDLEY) with the same surname.
There is also absolutely no record for any wife whatsoever of Col. James Ransone/Ransom - presumably he had at least one, but we have no way of knowing who she was.
Under the circumstances, it must not be assumed that "Francis Dudley" was the "wife" of Col. Ransone or of any other man - nor even that "Francis" was female.
Further digging around in "Early Colonial Settlers" turns up the curious information that Col. Richard Dudley had a brother William, whose son Thomas Dudley married a Frances (birth name unknown) and had a son named Ambrose (among other children).
"Ambrose" appears to have been entirely too popular a first name with this family. :-)
Col. Richard Dudley, of Kingston Parish
William Guilford Dudley (middle name highly unlikely)
Thomas Dudley, I
Captain James M Ransone (mother probably BOGUS)