Hello Dennis - I've been in touch with your daughter Lauren in the hopes of clarifying some details about the Banquer Family Tree. I'm working on a tree in Ancestry.com for Betty Dyer (descendant of Etta Banquer and Morris Jacobson) and have discovered some conflicting information in your tree.
It's about Passy's daughter Clara who you have as Claire (reasonable) with the same date of birth. We both list the same other children of Passy and Bessie. However, I have Clara married to Morris Omensky whereas you have her as Claire married to Al Modiest.
I tried to find confirmation of the Modiest connection, but only discovered that before Al Modiest's most current wife Anna (see census 1950), his profile lists a Claire with no surname or any other data.
I didn't see any sources for your information and wonder if I somehow misinterpreted my sources. I have the 1910 and 1920 census records listing Passy's daughter as Clara, and the 1930 census as having her husband Morris Omensky as living in Passy's household with her. I can find no Al Modiest mentioned anywhere in records relating to Banquer.
Can you help me untangle this confusion?
Here's the link to my Ancestry.com tree
Thanks for any help you can give.
And please send my best to Lauren.
Dennis - Not to confuse you, I'm using the name "Betty Dyer" as the author of her Family Tree. However, my actual name is Heather Rabinowitz and I'm "related" to Betty Dyer through her son and his wife - Barbara Rabinowitz Dyer (Barbara is my sister-in-law).
I used Betty's name so she could be found on your Banquer family tree since Betty is your relative through Etta Banquer. So, whenever you see "Betty Dyer" in messages please understand that it's actually me Heather Rabinowitz.
Jane Banquer and Lauren Herold can vouch for me. I've spoken with both of them.