I've been Googling trying to find info on this Robert's wife Alice Story connected here on Geni:
Robert's Wiki page doesn't have a wife connected or list all this children, but there is a note stating:
"The 2011 census imports of the Bennett's in Wiveliscombe seem to be littered with inconsistencies. This note shows Alice Story married to both William Bennett and Robert Bennett.
"Unlikely as Robert was the father of Dorothy"
WFT 8/3612 lists wife as Alice Story married November 9, 1603, Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England; b. Est 1564-1586; d. Est. 1608-1674 but Alice Story is previously listed as wife of William Bennett. Confusion, Yes !"
Googling, I can't find anything else on Alice. On Ancestry, in the Hints, there is a marriage record for Alice Story and William Bennett, as mentioned on the Wiki link above:
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Birth, Marriage & Death
Name William Bennett
Birth 1572
Marriage 1603 En
Spouse Alice Story
and two Hints on Ancestry show Robert Bennett II's wife as Elizabeth Thorne, not Alice Story:
Geneanet Community Trees Index
Family Trees
Quick compare
Name Robert Bennett (Immigrant)
Birth 27 April 1571 Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
Death 1623 Jamestown, (Massacre), Virginia, USA
Marriage 1597 London, London, London, England, United Kingdom
Spouse Elizabeth Thorne (Immigrant)
Father Sir Robert I Herbert Bennett, Earl of Tankerville
Mother Lady Emma Elizabeth Edney, Countess of Edney
But when I Googled trying to find more info on Elizabeth Thorne as his wife, I found nothing.
So, does anyone have proof that Alice Story was married to this Robert Bennett II since the only marriage info I found for her was to William Bennet? Or any additional info on Robert having married Elizabeth Thorne?
Thanks in advance for any additional info and/or clarification on this Robert's marriage.
Found this is Ancestry Hints - marriage record for Robert and Elizabeth Thorne:
England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973
Birth, Marriage & Death
Quick compare
Name Robert Bennett
Marriage 13 Apr 1615 Stepney, Middlesex, England
Residence Stepney, Middlesex, England
Spouse Elizabeth Thorne
IF that's the same Robert Bennett. I say that because it shows he lived in Stepney, Middlesex, England which isn't what Geni shows as his birthplace nor his place of death. That may not mean anything though since the two children connected to him were born in London.
Also, I noticed that Robert is listed as having died in England but buried on his brother Edward's plantation and Alice died on Edward's plantation. Did they live with Robert's brother Edward? Had Robert gone back to England, died, and his body returned to America for burial? It's a bit confusing.