Searching for Surname (phonetically like) : YAKABOVITCH AND Town (phonetically like) : KOLOCHAVA; 5 matching records found.
Two of the 5 hits include the ABRAHAMOVICS family:
Child Date of Birth Father Hometown Town Born Source
Sex (original name)/(modern name) (original name)/(modern name) page - row
Mother Hometown Jaras
(original name)/(modern name) Megye
JAKABOVICS Eizik Osandorfalva Danylovo area births
Freida 27-JUN-1903 Osandorfalva/Oleksandrivka Oleksandrivka 1903-1906;Fund 1606,
F Opus 13, Delo 209
Alsokalocsa / Kolochava Maramaros 5
JAKABOVICS Eizik Osandorfalva Danylovo area births
Gitlya 30-NOV-1905 Osandorfalva / Oleksandrivka Oleksandrivka 1903-1906; Fund 1606,
F 1 Opus 13, Delo 209
ABRAHAMOVICS Rifke Khusti 310
Alsokalocsa / Kolochava Maramaros