Phillip Lee Gibbs says about Donald, Lord of the Isles .... With reference to Donald being buried on the Isle of Iona, I can't find any record of the burial on Iona. Do you have any other reference?
:Our reference is from Cawley's Medlands:
1. DONALD (-Island of Kerrara 1249, bur Iona). He succeeded his father as Lord of the Isles. "Douenaldus filius Reginaldi filii Sumerled…et uxor mea" confirmed his father’s donation of cows and other revenue to Paisley monastery by undated charter[1362]. The Annals of Ulster record that "the sons of Raghnall, son of Somurlech” fought "the men of Sciadh" [Skye] in 1209 "wherein slaughter was inflicted on them"[1363]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that King Alexander II led an army into Argyll, dated to 1221 from the context, and subdued the land[1364]. Balfour Paul states that Donald died "in the island of Kerrara in 1349" and was buried "in Iona", but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[1365]. m --- Stewart, daughter of WALTER FitzAlan Stewart High Steward of Scotland & his wife ---. Balfour Paul states that Donald married "a daughter of Walter High Steward of Scotland", but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[1366]. Donald & his wife had [three] children: