Simon Nicholls Sen. - please share sources here

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it looks like we are on the same line. what source do you have for the parents of Simon?
Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties

Mr. Michael Tawney 10LC.3 I £856.11.5 Sep 1 1692
He died on 22 May 1692. The inventory also included #162895.
Servants mentioned: Thomas Fasset, Michael Chadwick, Ann Shaws.
Appraisers: George Lingan, John Hume.
List of debts: John Austin, Isaac Baker, William Jones, John Jenkins, Richard Watkins, William Brown, William Herbert, George Busrup, John Howell, Henry Hennington, Peter Burges, Richard Edwards, Thomas Hafford, Henry Orton, John Skipper, Ann Dening, Richard Keene, James Baker, Henry Denton, Joseph Edloe,nHugh Hopewell, John Sewall, George Plowden, Michael Marine, Thomas Gant,nMichael Swift, James Bigger, Murfy Ward, Thomas Parsloe, Arthur Young, HenrynMitchell, Joseph Cecill, Hugh Ellis, Charles Bevins, John Forrest, IgnatiusnCraycroft, Capt. Thomas Clegate, Roger Brooke, Tobias Miles, William Nichollsnbill of Crowders, William Mead, George Spicer, Katherine Parker, William Jones, John Mackdowell, William Johnson, Francis Leaf, Henry Dyall, Thomas Collier, William How, Susanna Bussy, Richard Bowen, Thomas Brooke.
List of accounts: John Kent, James Macall, Edward Park, Edward Batson, Robert Coverthought, Maj. Nicholas Sewall, Mr. William Joseph, Col. William Dives, Richard Fenwick, Mr. Henry Lowe, David Davies, Meveril Hulk, Elisabeth Baker, Elisabeth Letchworth, Richard Jenkins, Capt. Thomas Wharton, Andrew Ogden, Capt. James Bowling, Peter Lamar, Mary Ascomb, Mr. George Lingan, John Biggar, Baruc Williams, Thomas Simons, James Duke, Jeremiah Sheredon, Paul Peacock, Ignatius Craycroft, Gabriel Burnam, Henry Truman, William Dent, Richard Brightwell.
List of desperate debts: Richard Rigell, Roger Skien, Nathaniel Sprigg, Henry Taylor, William Barton (plaisterer), Richard Burk, Christopher Ellis, William Herbert, William Wood, Robert Kant, William Philmore, John Joyse, Robert Anderson, Hugh Jones, Hugh Reyley, William Grant, Ambrose Bigg, Hohn Hening, John Nicholls, Thomas Blomer, Daniel Manrain, John Reyley, Thomas Spencer, Richard Pollard, James Craftore, Francis Casteel, Nathan Daws, Richard Gibbs, Richard Leek, George Sealy, John White (carpenter), William Davis, Bartholomew Gibson, Robert Harper, David Morgan, Thomas Pagett, John Pierce, John Sunderland, Henry Dinnine, John Willmott, Mathew Beale, Richard Brooke, John Connaway, Thomas Edwards, John Meade, Thomas West, Thomas Wells, Daniel Brown, George Carter, John Empton, Daniel Arminger, Michael Burnham, Gilbert Denour, Nicholas Wilson, Philip Laurence, Andrew Foy, John Dunkin, Nathaniell Cranford, George Lynes, Brian Mark-Damois, John Peacock, Richard Chaffey, William Goodman, Garrat Cumberford, Henry Howiant, Garratt Vansweringen, William Williams, Kenelm Chisledyn, William Herron, Symon Girling, Nehemia Blakiston, Francis Durant, Lewis Tapper, Publick Levy, Calvert County, Francis Partis, Michaell Catterton, James Weeks, John Stanley, Robert Brashiers, Henry Reynolt, Richard Brashiers, John Davis, Francis Piles, James Bray, Andrew Winkling, Peter Burges, Symon Nichollson, John Griggs, Samuell Bourne, John Hollings, Robert Shepherd, Charles Ascomb, John Smyth, Robert Anderson, Thomas Robinson, Edward Dickeson, Thomas Ward, Alexander Frashier, David Hellin, William Harris, George Noates, John Dunn, Edward Evans, John Bennet, James Wood, Thomas Everett, James Badcock, Charles Harrington, John Dodson, Robert Stone, Richard Fidee, Samuell Bagby, John Shepherd, Peter Hill, Symon Wootton, Robert Fisher, widow Baker, John Hedger, Edward Cowdrey, William Skiene, Thomas Purnell, Jeremiah Sympson, Robert Taylor, Philip Coxsey, Charles Taney, George Layfield, Giles Hill, John Larken, Otho Holland, Thomas Plomer, Symon Willmore, John Sumers.
List of money due: George Younge, Mr. William Joseph, Mary Ascomb, Col. Henry Jowles, Richard Marsham, Henry Truman, Jeremiah Sheredon, William Turner, Nathaniel Burnham, Ezekiel Hide, John Grey at Pennsylvania.

Col. William Barton 34.109 A Page £1479.12.1 £1010.19.8 Apr 9 1713
Received from: Thomas Brooke, Esq., James Kingsbury, Mr. Thomas Sprigg, Col. Ninian Beall, Samuell Taylor, John Cole, Capt. Emms per Capt. Hide, Col. Thomas Greenfield, Thomas Smith, John Mistaken, John Dorsett, Richard Weaver, Francis Sandsbury, John Summers, Jos. Towgood, Hugh Ryley, Humphry Ward, Thomas Palmer, Dr. Richard Pile, Robert Brooke, John Lashley, Simon Nichalls, William Ludwell, Gilbert Marsh, Thomas Blanford, Theophilus Bushop, Richard Lancaster, Benjamin Wheeler, Nicholas Davis.
Payments to: James Stoddert on account of John Hunt, James Stoddert on account of William Hutchison, Dr. Hepburn, Col. Seymour, Capt. Keysar & Wharton, Capt. John Hyde, Marmaduke Scott, Robert Brooke, Mr. John Hunt, Luke Gardh, Capt. Richard Smith, Mary Boyd, George Harriss, Mr. Robert Owen, Mr. John Bradford, Thomas Markin, Mrs. Wright, Mr. Charles Carroll, William Wilkinson, Jane Crofts, Abram Clarke, Vestry of Queen Anne Parish, Griffeth Jones, William Tallard, Mrs. Mason, Joseph Dewell, John Beall, Joseph Perry, Frances Durham, Marsham Warring, Thomas Beall, William Taylor per Portobacco Vestry, Michael). Martin, John Vadrey, Mr. James Heath, administrator of John Gandy, Henry Buttelor, Col. Thomas Greenfield.
Legatees: wife (unnamed) of Capt. John Murdock, Basill Warring, wife (unnamed) of William Howard.
Mentions: Henry Thickpenny (orphan), William Forrest (orphan), Lucy Forrest (orphan), Mr. Murdock.

Thomas Laxon 35A.341 A Page £27.8.6 £27.1.8 Apr 24 1714
Received from: Col. William Holland.
Payments to: Thomas Johnson, Edward Icon, Thomas Willson, William Wayford, Simon Nicholls, Benjamin Berry.
Administrator; Thomas Wilson (also Thomas Willson).

James Shaw 3.7 A Page £45.10.6 £30.17.10 May 12 1720
A second inventory is cited in the amount of £37.3.9.
Received from: Mr. Jonathon Scarth.
Payments to: Pattrick Hepburn, James Slack, Simon Nickles, Edmond Purcell, Thomas Griffin, James Perry, Basil Waring, William Bladen, Esq., Thomas Bordley, Esq,, Patrick Hepburn, Joseph Newton, Mr. Christopher Thompson.
Executrix: Margret Shaw.

Thomas Trulove 13.146 Page £14.13.2 Jun 28 1728 Jun 25 1728
Appraisers: Charles Beall, William Scott.
Creditors: Edward Sprigg, Simon Nicholls.
Next of kin: Thomas Nicholls, Simon Nicholls.
Administrator/Executor: Dr. John Hasewell.

Charles County Circuit Court Liber R, Page 542
23 Jan 1692; Indenture from Simon Nicholls and William Younge to John Chittam, planter; for 3,000# tobacco; a parcel called Blackash; bounded by Potomac River; containing 146 acres in Calverton Manor; /s/ Simon Nicholls (mark), William Young (mark); wit. John Addison, Will Hutchison
Prince George's Land Records 1717-1726 - Liber I
foli.o 125 • Deed of Gift, 16 Mar 1721
Simon Nicholls of Prince George's County, planter, gives to his son, John Nicholls, a young
brown heifer of 2 years and her increase
/s/ Simon Nicholls (mark)
Wit: Jn° Shields, Ninian Beall

Prince George's Land Records 1717-1726 - Liber I
folio 485 • Indenture, 28 Aug 1723; enrolled 7 Sep 1723
From: Simon Nicholls, planter of Prince George's County
To: John Brown, planter of Prince George's County
For 3,500 lbs. of tobacco a parcel of land called Simon's Lot on a deep branch of the Eastern
Branch of the Potomac; bounded by a tract surveyed for James Cullins; containing 107 acres
/s/ Simon Nicholls (mark & seal)
Wit: Jos. Belt, Tho. Sprigg 2
Acknowledged by Jane Nicholls, wife of Simon

Prince George's Land Records 1717-1726 - Liber I
folio 676 • Special Petition, 29 Jun 1725; enrolled 28 Aug 1725
Justices John Powell, John Beall, Sr., John Jackson and William. Pensor
Thomas Lucas, John Prather and Catherine Prather of Prince George's County request
clarification of boundaries of several tract of land in Prince George's County; commission was
granted dated 23 Jun 1725; land formerly belonging to Col. Henry Jowles called the Granee in
Prince George's County on the north side of the Eastern Branch of the Potomac; mentions James
Stoddert, Christopher Thompson, William Tanyhill, Sr., Thomas Johnson, Simon Nicholls, Sr.,
Charles Beall and Walter Evans, Sr.
Deposition of Col. Ninian Beall, age 84 years; 21 Feb 1709/10; present at the tree when
deposition given were Christopher Thompson, James Wallace, John Cumberland, Thomas
Johnston, Simon Nichols, William Smith, George Miller, John Perry, John Birke, and George
Deposition of James Stoddert, age 58; 9 Aug 1725
Depostion of Christopher Thompson, age 62; 17 Aug 1725
Deposition of William Tanyhill, age 73; 17 Aug 1725; mentions John Henry and John Lewis
Deposition of Thomas Johnson, age 42; 17 Aug 1725
Deposition of Simon Nicholls, Sr., age 67; 17Aug1725
Deposition of Charles Beall, age 53; 21Aug 1725
Deponents were questioned on various points by the Justices

Simon Nicholls was the Cryer at the Prince George's County Court and General Assembly from 1699 to 1737. He was put in the town stocks forbeing drunk in public. Simon lived to be 106 years old
1726-1730 Prince George’s County, Maryland Land Records Liber M, [Elise Greenup Jourdan]; Page 126
Enrolled at request of Richard William of Anne Arundel Co. 25 Feb 1726:
Indenture, 22 Nov 1726; Between Ninian Beall, Jr., planter, and Richard William of Anne Arundel County, planter; for 1,300# tobacco; a tract called Beall's Point; bounded by land of Simon Nicholls; containing 40 acres; /s/ Ninian Beall; wit. Ja. Magruder, John Powell; 22 Nov 1726 ack. by Ninian Beall, Jr., and Catherine his wife
1726-1730 Prince George’s County, Maryland Land Records Liber M, [Elise Greenup Jourdan]; Page 155
Enrolled at request of Simon Nicholls, Sr. 3 May 1727:
3 Jan 1726/7; From Richard Evers, planter, to William Scott, Sr., Matthew Markland, Thomas Nicholls, Simon Nicholls, Sr. and Elizabeth Wiloman; all my crop of tobacco and corn on John Bealls, Jr.'s Plantation; my mare and all my wearing apparel, one hog and my tobacco in England; all my debts due me from Jacob Johnson (£1.10); all of them to have equal part; /s/ Richard Evers; wit. Elizabeth Willis (mark), James Nicholas (mark)
1726-1730 Prince George’s County, Maryland Land Records Liber M, [Elise Greenup Jourdan]; Page 270
Enrolled at request of John Lowe 30 Mar 1728:
Enrolled at request of Simon Nicholls, Sr., 1 Apr 1728:
Gift from Simon Nicholls, Sr. to his daughter Janse Hurst, cow b. 25 Dec 1727/8; cattle mark recorded

1730-1733 Prince George’s County, Maryland Land Records Liber Q, [Elise Greenup Jourdan]; Page 394
Special Petition of William Young 4th Tues June:
From Charles, Lord Baltimore, to William Penson, Alexander Magruder, Jr., William Manduit and James Halmeard, Gent; regarding boundaries of Knock & Meurs [also Meury]; depositions follow:
29 Sep 1731 at the side of Eastern Branch a little below the ferry landing:
Willm. Tannehill, age 70 years; mentions James Perry and he coming in a canoe; and Andrew Clark's land
James Perry, age 50 years; mentions coming in a canoe upon the Eastern Branch; mentions Wm. Thompson and the ferry landing of Thompson's land
Archibald Edmonston, age 60 years and upwards; states he knows nothing
Murphy Ward, age 46 years
Simon Nicholls, age 70 years and upwards; mentions John Stuart and Mr. Thompson's land below the ferry landing
George Hussey, age 57; mentions 27-28 years ago land of Mr. Thompson and Mr. Hutchison
John Henry, age 80 years; mentions. 20 years ago Mr. Tannehill ran out Clarke's land with a pocket compass
Thomas Johnson, age ca 60 years; mentions Mr. Hutcheson and Thompson's land
George Hussey, age 57; mentions Thompson's land near a cove of the Eastern Branch
Enrolled 30 Nov 1731
1726-1730 Prince George’s County, Maryland Land Records Liber M, [Elise Greenup Jourdan]; Page 309
Enrolled at request of Simon Nicholls, Sr. 26 Aug 1728:
From Simon Nicholls, Sr. to Eleanor Truelove, d/o Thomas Truelove, dec'd, and Jane his wife; gift of a cow at age of 16 or marriage; /s/ Simo- Nicholls, Sr. (mark); wit. Lingan Wilson
1730-1733 Prince George’s County, Maryland Land Records Liber Q, [Elise Greenup Jourdan]; Page 597
Enrolled at request of Priscilla Prather 14 Feb 1732:
Christopher Nicholls, Simon Nickols, Sr. and Robert Breshear do confess judgment to Priscilla Prather of 600# tobacco; 21 Dec 1732; wit. John Beall, Jos. Chew.

1748-1752 Frederick County MD Land Records {Patricia Abelard Andersen}
pg. 483-484. Thomas Nicholls recorded deed of gift 20 Nov. 1751. I Simon Nichols living in FC, for love and good will which I bear to my son, Thomas Nicholls, grant a cow and calf, a large iron pot and feather bed. Signed Simon Nicholls by mark S. Before Benjamin Becraft signed by mark BB, and Samuel Nicholls.

Prince George's County, Maryland - Land Owners at Time PGCo Was Formed - 1696: Tract Name: BLACKASK; Owner: Nichollson, Symon: Orig County = C {Charles = C, Calvert = V}; Patent Date: Aug 4, 1686 : Ref: Liber 22, f 238 : Map Location: Q-08

Blackask, 146 Acres; Certificate
Developer/Owner: Nicholson, Simon and William Young 1687 Patent Record 22, Page 238 0 0 MSA S 1596-705

Blackask, 146 Acres; Patent
Developer/Owner: Nicholson, Simon and William Young 1687 Patent Record NS 2, Page 362 0 0 MSA S 1596-706

Symon and Jane, 107 Acres; Certificate
Developer/Owner: Nicholls, Symon 1714 Patent Record EE 6, Page 125 0 0 MSA S 1596-4171

Symon and Jane, 107 Acres; Patent
Developer/Owner: Nicholls, Symon 1714 Patent Record EE 6, Page 126 0 0 MSA S 1596-4172

Symon and Jane, 107 Acres; Patent
Developer/Owner: Nicholls, Symon 1714 Patent Record RY 1, Page 302 0 0 MSA S 1596-4173

Symons Lott, 107 Acres; Certificate
Developer/Owner: Nicholls, Symon 1722 Patent Record IL A, Page 157 0 0 MSA S 1596-4174

Symons Lott, 107 Acres; Patent
Developer/Owner: Nicholls, Symon 1722 Patent Record PL 5, Page 132 0 0 MSA S 1596-4175

Simons Lott, Simon Nicholls, 107 Acres 1722/02/21 Patented Certificate 1986 4 0 MSA S 1203-2083

Simon Nicholls Sen. is your first cousin 9 times removed's wife's great uncle's wife's father.
→ Pop
your father → Rufus Samuel Nichols
his father → James "Jim" Ira Nichols
his father → Ezekiel Hankin Nichols
his father → Martha Jones Nichols
his mother → Elizabeth (Prindle) Jones
her mother → Barbara Prindle
her mother → Jemima Cooksey
her mother → James Burch
her father → Justinian Burch, Sr.
his father → Barbary 'Barbara' Allison (Burch)
his sister → William Colvin Collier, Sr.
her son → Sarah Collier
his wife → John Ray Sr.
her father → William Ray, II
his father → Luke Ray
his brother → Suzanna Nicholls Ray
his wife → Simon Nicholls Sen.
her father
Simon Nicholls b. around 1642 d. 1749 Prince George's Maryland

Looking for information on Simon Nicholl's parents, and place of birth- Scotland or England. He's got connection to David Trail,Ninian Beall, and Archibald Edmonston. Any information on Simon's birth whearabouts would be helpful. He was a court cryer in Maryland, and had 4 wives, and many grandchildren.

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