Sir William Cope, Cofferer to Henry VII - Questioning Validity of Linked Parentage

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SOURCE: "Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica: Pedigrees of Family Cope":—
QUOTE: “The most extraordinary confusion appears in the Heralds' Visitations as regards the parentage and marriages of Sir William Cope the Cofferer. No two Visitations agree. This is from his tomb and his will.”
To whom or what does the word “this” refer in the last sentence? His parentage? His marriages? His father?
TOMB – Find A Grave provides Sir William’s tomb inscription was/is ( ). It mentions no father:—
“Hic jacet Will'us Coope Armiger quondam Cofferarius hospitii famosissimi at excellentissimi Regis Henrici septimi, qui quidem Will'us obiit vii die mensis Aprilis an. Do. MVcXIII cujus a'i'e...”
WILL – I haven’t found Sir William’s will or a transcription of it yet. I doubt he mentioned his Alexander Cope Esq., who predeceased Sir William by 62 years. as his father.

BOOK: “The History of Banbury: Including Copious Historical and Antiquarian Notices of the Neighborhood” does not identify William’s parents.

BURKE CPR vol. 6 p. 404 mentions Sir William in footnote-passing, but it mention no parents.

RICHARDSON Magna Carta. One volume mentions Sir William as a father but doesn't name his parents.
I don’t have access to Richardson's other compendiums where I live.

ONLINE sites show either Alexander or Stephen as Sir William’s father, but none give a a convincing source or well-reasoned basis for doing so:—

The last URL above states:
“Alexander Cope This is NOT Stephen Cope. He was born at of Bramshill, Hampshire, Denshanger, Northampton, England.”
SO....why emphasis this based upon one source?
It's a 1999 publication or perhaps a reprint:
Despite it being under copyright, a website probably shows all that we it has to say about Sir William, and it includes no parentage:

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