Mads Anthon Enevoldsen Møller - Why ??

Started by Private User on today
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Private User
Today at 9:47 AM

Hvorfor har man fjernet fanen så det ikke er muligt at sætte hans hustru på denne Profil

google translate

Why has the tab been removed so that it is not possible to put his wife on this Profile

mvh marion

Today at 9:51 AM

Who was his wife?

The profile was locked because of disagreement by managers and “wiping” of “About” data instead of adding to it. I think the disagreement is now resolved, but I do not yet have confidence that data can be fairly contributed by anyone interested. Can that be agreed to also?

Today at 9:51 AM

Profilen blev låst på grund af uenighed blandt ledere og "sletning" af "Om"-data i stedet for at tilføje dem. Jeg tror, ​​at uenigheden nu er løst, men jeg har endnu ikke tillid til, at data retfærdigt kan bidrages af alle interesserede. Kan det også aftales?

Private User
Today at 9:56 AM
Private User
Today at 10:04 AM

who disagrees with whom, I have written in a private message to the Manager whom I myself have invited to the profile

Private User
Today at 10:07 AM


mvh marion

Today at 10:11 AM


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