From Bob Barris current status of Y DNA for Basse.
Jeffrey Bassett
Top Contributor
This was originally posted in a post in May of 2022. No new information has come in to change this.
Latest Y-DNA findings for Bass. I will give a summary of the historical Bass tree and the results of our Y-DNA testing. I am now expanding testing to Bass families of England to see if that might help us determine the true Bass tree.
Capt. Nathaniel Basse had the three sons listed above along with others including Edward Basse Some histories concluded that Samuel Basse son of Nathaniel is the same person as Dea. Samuel Bass of Massachusetts. His Y-DNA line is J-M172.
Next is William Basse, Sr. who married Sarah Batten Many have William Bass who married Hester Bass and settled in Chesterfield County, Virginia as a son of this William Basse & Sarah Batten. His Y-DNA haplogroup is I-M223.
According to the old material, Capt. John Basse, Sr. had William “elder” Bass, Sr. and Richard Bass
William Basse and all of his direct male descendants are in Haplogroup A-M31.
Richard Bass is according to one document that have have two wives. Those children descended from wife Jane Bryant are in Haplogroup M269 L47. Those children descended from wife Mary Bass are in Haplogroup M269 S1051. While both are M269, the sub classifications have major differences so they two Richard’s cannot be the same person.
No one has yet provided any evidence that the Richard who married Jane Bryant is indeed the father or grandfather of the 5 separate Bass males that all belong to M269 L47 and share a common ancestor.
So it is still possible that Haplogroup A is the Y-DNA that came from John through Nathaniel, just not likely.
Based on our current Y-DNA results, it seems LIKELY that:
Greetings Everyone. I've been working on and around these lines with facts added to profiles and headstone. From what I can gather these lines are on both sides of my family. Showing up as double cousins. Some information on here and other lines work-in progress.
For the Samuels in question;
( 12 Great Uncle ) married Ruth of Alden and Mullins line (Mayflower).
That would make sense for the Keziah Tucker mentioned in document. From what I've found and read they're two different women often merged into each others lines as Elizabeth Keziah Tucker.
My 8th Great Uncle married into a Bass line going to the Samuel in question. The Forsee line is a work in progress line adding facts. Jewish Ancestry.
For Samuel (Should be a direct line to me but not on here.) That would be through the Faubus/Forbes/Curtis line. Which I'm working on but haven't added the last generation to two different lines.
Next they married into the Renfroe, Renfro, Renfro (Too many spelling, lines and from my research mixed race like the Bass line.)
James Renfro taught George Washington to Survey land. Cool fact.
As for the Renfroe line that's another work in progress line I've been working on. I've added some African lines. In the process of fixing the Faubus line and Skinner line that leads to Henry Louis Gates,I had to separate the lines as they were getting mixed in with the wrong lines. I sourced that line on and off over a whole day and fixed it to the correct people. Took all day.
I think we may have another case of mixed race children enslaving family lines to keep them together. Point and research in another line here that was sourced and added. Some born free and others not.
Barbados family lines enslaved to each other and free. Both sides admixture mixed in with Jewish lines, African,Lumbee Tribe. The Campbell line enslaved Indian woman of Bermuda to Virginia.
Working on ....
Found under Rentfree* (Various spellings but Rentfree, in Caribbean ) Forsee* Kirby* Faubus* and other lines. I know Erica knows the Kirby line I was working on but took a break to work around them.
I've read from another's research she was a spinster and died without issue.I started working on it but too many side projects. Link is below.
Working on adding sources and my line to him and Barbados
*Mary Curtis
Direct line to Bass line, one of at least. I haven't attached the family yet as I as sourcing the document for them in Kentucky.
I am also working on my Bryant line. I know the Burwell married the Lane line to me. Link the profile to Jane Bryant if you could,please. All the relationship to me are as is to this point time. This is on my father's side as I haven't gotten the Smith/Bass/Anderson line on my mother's on here. So could change a few things.
Also to Bob. We should be 8th cousin,not 12th when I finish adding lines,or closer. 😁
Random sources
It’s conclusively shown Dea. Samuel Bass in Massachusetts (related to the Mayflowers etc) cannot be related to this Bass line.
Descendants test Y DNA haplogroup of J-M172.
William Bass descendants test Y DNA haplogroup of A-M31.
Richard Bass who married Jane Bryant is the ancestor of the five Bass lines who test into M269 L47 as they all originate in the same section of Virginia.
Thank you. You've given me some things to look at based off DNA matches to me. Jane is showing as a 1st cousin but not on here because of two lines I wanted to make soild first.
I think it's important to mention why I shared the random fact about Washington. It's not the first time he's in my tree,with realitives interacting with Washington. Probably a lot of us too but don't know it.
The link below was shared today. Has several lines for me like Fuller, Hannah,Lane Bass, Smith,Anderson, Jordan or Jourdan and Washington. I think maybe a few more but I'm more versed on the other lines. I know in a few trees it's documented the interactions with Lincoln as well. My one Grandfather was walking with Lincoln and told a story about his personality and the conversation down to what he wore. Anyway, some things are on various trees and need to be tied together and others built off DNA and backed up by facts to meet the Genealogical Standards. I'm just trying to build trees on facts and DNA. Its been fun. I appreciate the information! If anything I say don't make sense just ask me to clarify because I have a ton of rocks rolling around. 😂
Document shared today:
Cheatham Line
7 matches but only one with tree
Over half Jewish Ancestry*
Also includes Bryan line.
Bass DNA Evidence for me:
Africa line through Murray Bass
Free Colored
I've went past the line on this tree and will connect,as it's not complete but easily followed on Ancestry.
Another line
leads to William Richard Basse 1654-1741
down the line to Bass enslaver:
Jacob Oren Bass Jr
Enslaved 10 or more
DNA match to the line of Bass of 'Elizabeth' Keziah Tucker.
The other Bass matches have no trees. Four or so matches.
3 Washington matches. 2 with African and one without. No trees.
Smith matches over 150. Anderson and Campbell too many....
Admixture of European, Native , Middle Eastern and the rest African. I've been working on.
It also related to my mtDNA line through Anderson, Smith, Campbell. It leads to South Africa. I match the Geni Curator(her and I 11th cousin range at this time) son in third to four cousin range on her husband side and the three matches below Hester Smit( the other two in South Africa matches to me) we share.(Sharon Doubell) The one DNA is also in a study of ;
A 'Copernican' reassessment of the human mitochondrial DNA tree from its root.
On my profile you can read my research and also on my maternal line page if interested. My YFull kits are there as well.
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