There are multiple references in his About notes that state he is the first record patriarch in this family. It doesn't state who his parents were and the only connection to Gilbert Kilpatrick I see noted is that Humphrey acquired lands from Gilbert and began using the Colquhoun surname.
Umfridus de Kilpatrick—the earliest recorded patriarch.
Upon acquiring the lands of Colquhoun from Gilbert (fl.1150-1220), Laird of Colquhoun, apparently Hunfrið moved into Dunglass Castle, dropped his original surname of Kilpatrick, and adopted that of Colquhoun. Indeed, the adoption of toponymic bynames from the lands one acquired was a normal practice during the High Medieval Period. Hunfrið is thus our earliest recorded ancestor, a wandering Angle.
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Nothing in the notes establishes the relationship between Humphrey and Gilbert, only that Humprehy acquired the lands of Colquhoun from Gilbert. Gilbert and his wife Annabelle are shown being born about 1150, which would make Annabelle 55 when Humphrey was born in 1205. Not impossible, but isn't it possible there is another kinship connection between them and Humphrey rather than his parents since he is always referred to as the first known patriarch of this line?
In fact, Gilbert's notes state:
"Little is known about Gilbert, except that he was the Lord of huge tracts of land of the name Colquhoun, in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, born around 1150 AD. (Subsequently, the family name "Kilpatrick" was changed to "Colquhoun.")
As a result of his fueding with other clans these lands were forfeited to the crown in 1220 AD and acquired by Umfridus de Kilpatrick of Colquhoun, our first direct ancestor in this line."
which again names Humphrey as the first ancestor of this family, not Gilbert.
I doesn't make a convincing case for Humphrey to be the son of the parents attached to him here on Geni.