Mahatma Gandhi, महात्मा is my 26th cousin.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor, Sr
her father → Arthur Glen Foor
his father → Noah Calvin Foor
his father → Pvt Henry Henrich Foor
his father → Elizabeth Alspach
his mother → Johannes "John" Alspach
her father → Anna Magdalena Alspach
his mother → Andreas Sigismund Brandstetter
her father → Sigismund Simon Brandstetter
his father → Prince Johann Georg von Hohenzollern
his father → Elisabeth von Anhalt-Zerbst, Kurfürstin zu Brandenburg
his mother → prince Joachim Ernst of Anhalt-Zerbst
her father → Joachim Ernst von Anhalt
his father → Ernst I Prinz von Anhalt-Zerbst
his father → Anna, Graefin von Anhalt-Zerbst, Fuerstin von Anhalt-Dessau
his mother → Anna von Sagan, Gräfin von Lindow-Ruppin
her mother → Herzog Johan l. von Glogau-Sagan
her father → Katharina von Sagan (von Oppeln)
his mother → Elisabeth Басараб, of Wallachia
her mother → Nicolae Alexandru Bassaraba, voivode of Wallachia
her father → Ivanco "cel Mare/the Great" Bassaraba, Voivode of Wallachia
his father → Khan Tihomir (Tukh-Timur)
his father → Kokdju Borjigin dynasty
his father → 4) Berkhechar Borjigin dynasty
his father → Jochi, Khan of the Ulus of Jochi
his father → Empress Börte Üjin of the Mongol Empire
his mother → Khan Chagatai (Jaghatai, Bzhagatay) Borjigin
her son → Mutukan / Mutugen of the Qunqirat
his son → Yisun-Duva 3rd son of Mutugen
his son → Ghiyas-ud-din Baraq Borjigin, Khan of the Chagatai Khanate
his son → Duwa Borjigin dynasty, Khan of the Chagatai Khanate
his son → Esen Buqa I, Khan of the Chagatai Khanate
his son → Tughlug Temür (Khan 1347-1363) Borjigin
his son → Khizir Khwaja, Khan of Moghulistan
his son → Muhammad Khan
his son → Shir Ali Oghlan
his son → Uwais Khan of Moghulestan
his son → Sultan. Yunus Khan, Khan of Moghulestan -r. 1416-1497, (Great Khan of Moghulistan)
his son → Begum. Qutluq Negār Nigar Khānum
his daughter → Babur
her son → Moghul Emperor Nasir ud-din Muhammad Uddin Humayun
his son → Great Mughal Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar
his son → Sultan Khushru Mirza Khusroo
his son → Ruttee Allah Khan
his son → Allahuddin Khan
his son → Mithoo Khan
his son → Adil Khan
his son → Gul Mohammad Khan
his son → Mohammad Sultan Khan
his son → Sudhan Khan
his son → Musab Khan
his son → Putlibai Gandhi
his daughter → Mahatma Gandhi, महात्मा
her son