A-2. Jordan Gibson (c1708-1788TN) ?? married Hannah
Jordan Gibson does not begin to appear in the records of Craven County until considerable later than his brother, Gideon, and George Sa(u)nders, Hannah Gibson’s first husband.
Gideon/Gibeon brother of Hannah who married George Saunders and second Malachi Murphy, and also Jordan Gibson m. Mary Middleton died 1799 in South Carolina according to the Family Reseach of the 1870s.
Jordan was killed by Indians in 1788 at Bledsoes Lick in Sumner Co., Tennessee, Named as heir was Roger Gibson
Jordan Gibson of Sumner, TN died intestate leaving no will naming his children or
distributing his estate. Sumner Lawsuit #591 indicates that ROGER GIBSON was
Jordan's 'only son and heir'. Roger Gibson, James Harrison and James Odom
requested the division of the estate into 4 parts.
A: Roger Gibson, son of Jordan Gibson
B: James Harrison, husband of Cynthia Gibson who was Jordan's daughter
C: James Odom, husband of Rhoda Gibson who was Jordan's daughter
D: Unidentified Daughter, the Widow Black, whom researchers believe was named
Gregg's History of the Cheraw claims this Jordan went west with Daniel Boone. It is likely the Jordan Gibson who was with Daniel Boone was not this 80 year old Jordan.
Jordan Gibson was paid for accompanying settlers along the Wilderness Trail in 1788.