I've been trying to figure out which year Annie was born, but I'm giving up.
Estimated birth years in censuses, her marriage certificate and her burial record (on Find a Grave) range from 64 to 66, except for one census, which gives her birth date as September 1863. Meanwhile, the birth year given on her death certificate can only be read as 1863 or 1865, BUT with her death year stated on that same certificate to be 1943 and her age as 74 (both numbers visually unmistakable), neither of those birth years can be correct; it would have to be 1869. The numbers on the death certificate alone simply don't add up - but which one is wrong? It can hardly be the death date, since, obviously, the people who filled out the form must have known which year they were currently in, so it must be either the birth date or her age.
Furthermore, if her birth date was Sept. 10, 1865 (one of the two possible readings on the death certificate), it would be too close to the birth date of her brother George as stated on his death certificate, March 1, 1865.
Can anyone figure out what's going on? Are we dealing with two different Annies? I don't think so, since the records seem to match relation-wise, but by now my head is spinning, so I may be wrong.
On a different, but related note, I can't find any evidence that Annie, daughter of Jordan Fulton and Jane Lash, married a man named Sandy C. Robinson. Besides, records show that she married George Hill at age 21, under the name Ann Fulton, and her death certificate gives her name as Annie Hill and George as her deceased husband, so there isn't really "room for" a marriage to a Robinson in her life. So I'm confused about that as well.
I'm not related to the family; I just came across the branch and noticed something wrong and felt like helping sort it out. I'm sorry if I've caused more of a mess than an improvement overall. :/ I am sure, though, that I got some things right, so hopefully I can be forgiven.
Lastly, I'm curious: Why are there children with the last name Lash attached to Jordan Fulton and Jane Lash? I've never heard of people in the 1800s giving their children the mother's surname instead of the father's - and besides, all children listed as theirs in censuses are noted down as Fultons.
Oh, one more thing: I can't find any records that give her name as Anna MAE (and only one with the variant Anna as opposed to Ann or Annie). It even says "Ann I." in one census (at least I think it's an I; in any case it's not an M).