John Bourne - Evidence: Birthplace Tenderden

Started by Private User on today
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

Profiles Mentioned:

  • John Salmon. Via Wikimedia,_Tenterden, Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0
    Geni member

It seems to me that his presently appearing birthplace comes from past guesswork or internet legend. A bona fide source is needed.

Three-Systems ( shows Tenterden. The profile-page refers to the work of "McDowell" as contributor of data, which leads to sourcing McDowell cites:

NOTE: Most citations at this link are ancestral trees or family records.
MAYBE the source John Bourne birth is mentioned in "English Ancestors of New England Families", Vol. II, pg. 431ff. reprint of NEGHR. Series on the Fiske Family, 1032-3 by Andrews Moriarty 489.

As bad as Find A Grave can be, the profile for him does not echo Tenterden as place of birth

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