Anne (unknown) Howard - Disputed Origins

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Anne Howard and her husband Matthew Howard, Sr., of the Severn had 7 children: Elizabeth, Matthew, Cornelius, John, Samuel, Philip & Anne. We don’t know the parentage of Anne or her husband. She had been showing on Geni as the daughter of Richard Hall & Marion Loveland She’s been detached.

Here’s from Wikitree’s profile:

Some genealogies show Ann's birth as 25 OCT 1610 in Felmersham, Bedfordshire, England. No source has been found to confirm this.

Matthew Howard had only one wife Ann. He is sometimes shown married to Elizabeth Todd. Elizabeth, however, who may or may not have been Todd, was the wife of Matthew's son Cornelius.

Other genealogies claim that Ann was of the Dorsey family, or was the daughter of Richard Hall. Find-A-Grave, without documentation, shows Matthew married Anne Hall (1610-1659) in Lower, Norfolk, Virginia, in 1631 and that Anne was the daughter of Richard Hall (1585-1645) and Marion Lee Loveland Hall (1580-1645).[3]

Not Ann Dorsey

Some Genealogies show the wife of Matthew Howard as Ann Dorsey, but without documentation. This possible last name is presented here to promote discussion of her parentage and further research.

Parentage: Not the Daughter of Richard Howard

The parentage of Anne is unknown. Her name at birth is unknown.

Anne was recently connected as the daughter of Richard Howard, without documentation.

Parentage: Not the Daughter of Richard Hall

There is a strong temptation to make Ann the daughter of Richard Hall due to Richard Hall's will, written August 7, 1648 and proved November 16, 1648. … It would appear obvious, since inheritance most often goes to one's next of kin, that Ann Howard must be Richard Hall's only daughter. But a careful review reveals none of any of the normal indications of kinship which are standard in wills, i.e. my beloved daughter, my eldest daughter, my son, my cousin, etc.

Therefore one is compelled to conclude that Richard Hall died without children, and willed his property to the Howards, who were clearly good and trusted friends, well known to Richard Hall and "almost family" -- but not quite!

Ann Howard is shown in some genealogies as the child of John Howard and his wife Elizabeth Lock John Howard's biography has been researched and Ann is not among his six children. Ann's parentage must be considered unknown.

For more easy reference:

Disputed Children

In addition to Elizabeth, Matthew Jr, Cornelius, John, Samuel, Philip and Anne, various genealogies claim the following to be children of Matthew and Anne Howard.

Various popular genealogies claim that Mathew Howard and his wife Ann were the parents of the following children. No reliable source has been found for these claims, and they have therefore been disconnected:

  1. Elinor HOWARD b: 1626 in Eng. Children reported. [15] Ellinor Howard-311 b. 1626 Norfolk, m. Thomas Phelps. 1655 Somerset Eng. d. 1674 AA Co. Son Wm Phelps. Ellinor Howard Phelps (1636 - 1674)*[23]
  2. Henry Howard b: ABT 1633 in Lower Norfolk,VA. No Children reported. [15]. Henry Howard-280. b. 1634, Lower Norfolk Co. No spouse, no children. d. 3/8/1683, Anne Arundel.
  3. Mary Howard b: 1647 in Of Anne Arundel Co,MD No Children reported. [15]. Mary Howard-174 m. Hammond. b. 1647, Lower Norfolk, m. John Hammand ca 1663, AA. Children. d. Apr 4, 1726, AA Mary Howard Hammond (____ - 1721)[23] #Mary, who married John Hammond. The earliest mention I have found of this is by Warfield (1905). …
  4. Edmund Howard b: ABT 1650 in Norfolk,Eng. Children reported. [15].
  5. Edmund Howard-193, b. Norfolk 1659, no spouse, no children, d. Dec 3, 1709, Charles Co.
  6. Catherine Howard b. 1633 Norfolk m. Richard Acton 1648 Lower Norfolk County. Number of children. d. 1690, AA. Now Catherine Unknown
  7. Susan Howard-315. b. 1633, Norfolk, m. John McCubbin 9/12/1655. Some children. d. 1670.
  8. Sarah Howard-1049. m. Md 1652, no spouse, no children shown on Wikitree
  9. Joseph Howard. b. Md 1748, no spouse, no children shown on Wikitree.
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