Cornelia Crowell Benge and John F. Skinner

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@ My name is Barbara Anderson (nee Croley) My grandmother is Cornelia Crowell Benge.
Her birth parents are Lizzie Waters and Robert (Bob) Benge. They never married but did live together "Indian style" conceiving Cornelia. She was born Aug. 7th, 1889.
Her mother Lizzie Waters then married James McConnell Feb 19th1891 when Cornelia was 2.

Cornelia, at age then married Louis Fields in 1907. they had on daughter, Mary Ellen Fields. Louis died in 1920 from an illness.
Cornelia then married John F. Skinner, Feb 22nd, 1915. They had Two Children. Bethel May Skinner 1919 and Hulda Mauldine Skinner1-20-1922 Cornelia Died Feb 1922. The two girls Bethel and Hulda Mauldine Skinner. The girls were put up for adoption.

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