Rebecca Sheldon (Scadlock) - Middle Name Scarlett

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Were middle names used at this time and place? If so, does "Scarlett" seem to be an unusual, and perhaps pejorative, choice? Where did the putative middle name "Scarlett" come from and can it be documented?

Perhaps "Scarlett" was actually a surname from a previous marriage.

Is it possible that this Rebecca has been mistakenly merged with a Rebecca Scarlett?

William Sheldon, of Salem Village

Scarlett seems to come from (automated biography)

When Rebecca Scarlett Scadlock was born in 1642 …

I do not see another marriage listed.

There’s a “collaboration note”:

November 15, 1693 Widow Rebecca Sheldon, along with her son Ephraim, sell the Scarborough property to Richard Long.

And sources:

Robert Charles Anderson, "The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635," Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.

Volume 4 page 335 [image 443]
page 339 [image 447] William Lord married Abigail ____ by 1637 married 2 Resolved White
Where The Record Is Found (Citation)
Source number: 416.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: IEG
Where The Record Is Found (Citation)
Source number: 1010.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: DH1

U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700

Also, an irrelevant/ mistake:

England, Derbyshire, Church of England Parish Registers, 1537-1918", , FamilySearch ( : Thu Mar 07 23:56:08 UTC 2024), Entry for Rebecca Sheldon and Wm Sheldon, 11 March 1790.

I’ll look at the ancestry entries but so far the Scarlett looks like some kind of legacy mixup.

Maybe cones from here

According to the Sheldon Family Association, the William Sheldon who died in Salem Village (Marblehead) on 2 Dec 1691 was William, the son of Godfrey, b. 1622, m. Rebecca Scadlock (Scarlett). ( That William did not have a wife Mary.

Source: Great Migration 1634-1635, VOLUME : Vol. VI, R-S PAGE : 197

< AmericanAncestors >

Here’s where the reference comes from, but I don’t know who it refers to. It’s cryptic.

Court Records, E, 46, in Sargent, William M. (William Mitchell), and Maine) Maine Historical Society (Portland. Maine Wills, 1640-1760. (Portland, Me.: Brown Thurston, 1887)
I Godfrey Shelden of the Town of Scarborrough alias Bla: Poynt Planter aged sixty fiue or yrabouts being of Prfect memory doe by these make & appoynt my last will & testament in manner & forme following/

1: Ips: I bequeath my soul to god that gaue it/ my body to ye earth from whence It was taken, & to bee decently buried/ all my worldly goods & estate I giue as followeth/

21y I give vnto my Elldest sun william Shellden the one halfe of my goods within doores & with out, & the halfe of my Land & houseing, forth with to Inioy to him his heyres or assignes, and the other halfe after my decease I give vnto my wife Alce dureing her naturall life, both goods lands & houseing, & after her decease to my sd Elldest sunn William, who I appoynt my executor & order him to pay vnto his brother John Shellden foure pounds, & to each of his sisters tenn shillings, & give vnto his wife Rebeccah Tenn shillings, and vnto her brother Samll Scarlett I giue fiue shillings, & I order out of the halfe part of Land housing & goods I reserve to my selfe & wife the charge of my burijng, debts & Legacys, abouesd, being payd to Confirme the treuth here of, I do here vnto subscribe & sett my hand, this thirteenth of March 166¾

The Marke of Godfrey Shellden

Witnesseth Hene: Jocelyn/ The marke of Samll Scadlocke/ x

Sworn to 3 April 1670; recorded 5th of ____ 1671:"

F. William Scadlock Bef Abt 1611 - 1661/62
M. Eleanor Unknown

Name Samuel Scarlett
Gender Male
Birth? 1650

Mentioned in will of Godfrey Sheldon.

Samuel Scadlock

If “Scarlett” a mistranscription of Scadlock?

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