I knew this was to happen, I lost a big chunk of my ancestors how dandy and wonderful that is

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How to recuperate ancestors? I was very reluctant to make a correction on my mother's profile he was "asking" me to do I (insisting in private using email) because I KNEW this was to happen. It was more of a demand and I finally gave up today (wanting to do the right thing) to corrected it. Now a huge chuck of my maternal line is gone and if I redo it, I will create doubles. I was able to connect to around the year 100 so this pains me to the point that now I have a serious eye strain, especially the left eye. Sorry if I don't give more details and I certainly hope this will be clear enough because I really have a hard time seeing clear now. (instead of crying, I was trying to correct the problem) Can somebody please help?

As a measure of what happened, I had 240 members in my family tree and now I have 83 in it. ...people sometimes...

Now, time for me to quit.


Hi! I advise you to look for a curator in your region, maybe they can help you! : )

Good luck!

Hi, Nah, I will curate myself. Good Luck!

Will miss you.That pressure was not called for and resulted in loss of a major part of your tree!

Hmm...I think it can be restored relatively easily, if I have understood what has happened?

You can message me tomorrow if you like, or when you have had some rest. I might be able to help.

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