While trying to sort/fix William Samuel Reaves I find that his attached mother Sarah Sineath has a tree match and I really don't think this is his mother, but someone who may need detaching along with his supposed father John B. Reaves
Aside from the dates not working, I can't find a paper trail exactly linking John B. Reaves to William Samuel Reaves, though I do think W. S. is of the family - based on names, location of property as indicated in SC Archives. I just cannot fix his place in the Reaves tree yet. Working on it.
The discussion here is for Sarah Sineath, Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087, can you look at the tree match for her Sarah Sineath and tell me what you think? I think that Sarah Sineath is down in Colleton County and not part of the Reaves family. Your thoughts? I am happy to try to help source all those Varn children of hers. Not sure where the Sineath name comes in. Perhaps a late marriage????