Harris Salk - Parents and Siblings

Started by Private User on yesterday
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  • Private User
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  • Private User
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Private User
Joel Kassiday
Steven Rosen
Benjamin Schoenbrun (Geni Curator)
You are managers of relevant profiles. I am thinking the connection between Julius and Harris should be broken, but want to check first:

Is there any documentation supporting the idea that the father of Harris = Harris Salk was Shmuel Salk?
Is there any documentation supporting the idea the father of Julius = Julius Salk was Shmuel Salk?

Is there any documentation supporting the idea that Harris and Julius had the same father?

On the 1910 Census, the household of Harris "Sholk" = Harris Salk includes two cousins, Harry and Jacob "Hillkin", age 24 and 20, and a niece, Mary "Sholk", age 20.

In the 1952 obit for Mary Hilkin it states "Mrs. Hilkin was born in Russia, daughter of the late Benjamin and Hannah Solk."
It also mentions "Mrs. Hilkin was the widow of Harry Hilkin."
Mary's obit: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-daily-record-september-27-19...
The combination of this and the 1910 Census is enough to suggest that Harris and Benjamin are brothers, but there is more.

In the 1942 obit for Benjamin Solk = Benjamin Solk it says "He was born in Russia the son of Charles and Sarah Solk.
it refers to his daughter "Mrs. Mary Hilkin of this city" and also "one brother, Harry Solk of Long Branch"
Benjamin's obit: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-daily-record-benjamin-solk-o...

The Find a Grave Memorial for Harris Salk = https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/207703512/harris-salk
It claims "Birth surname was Solk
Son of Charles and Sarah Solk"
And it has a photo of the Gravestone showing Harris' name in Hebrew, including his father.
The Find a Grave Memorial for Benjamin Solk = https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/207703580/benjamin-solk
It claims "Son of Charles and Sarah Solk" and includes Mary Solk Hilkin among the children it lists and links to.
And it has a photo of the Gravestone showing Benjamin's name in Hebrew, including his father.
The Hebrew for the father of Harris and the Hebrew for the father of Benjamin is the same.

I am on a break so I will not read or react on the messages here. Unless I am the only active manager at the moment.

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