Jan (Johann) de Suchozaniet (mentioned here as Ivan Sukhozanet) was born on March 6, 1735. His father's name was Piotr and mother's name was Maryna Lapicka. Ivan Suhozanet had two sons: Tomasz and Onufry.
"SUCHOZANIET of the Szczytomir coat of arms. Known since the 18th century.
The statement of the family of the Suchozaniets of the Szczytomir coat of arms from 22 January 1801 states that: " the family of the Suchozaniets, branding themselves with the Szczytomir coat of arms (a half-torn white lily in a blue field, next to which on the left side half a moon turned with its shoulder)... in much distant times, being honoured with noble dignity, used all the freedoms and liberties appropriate to noble conduct. As a result, by maintaining their presence, especially in the Mińsk voivodeship on landed possessions, they actually met the duties of the national law for the nobility, both in civil and war needs, and bearing on themselves everywhere the unblemished character of noble dignity, they transferred the evidence of this truth to their currently living successors.
From the number of which Onufry Suchozaniet, who made the argument, having indicated Piotr Suchozaniet as the predecessor of his lineage, explained the subsequent descent from him in the following way: the once living Piotr Suchozaniet, honored with the prerogative of noble freedom, spending the days of his life in the freedoms appropriate to his conduct, left behind him one son, Jan, placed in the second generation (...), and in addition, that as a nobleman, engaged in the duty of profession in the Prussian Land, he obtained a certificate through the patent of national schools of the Prussian Land "in the year 1741...
" So this Jan, the successor to all inheritance, having landed estates pledged by his father, the Wiesieje manor, located in the Słuck district, governed it according to the laws of the land, during which he gave birth to two sons, Tomasz, who had no offspring, and Onufry, a descendant, who became the third generation "...
Onufry later also acquired the Kudzinowicze estate and left behind three sons: Jan, Piotr and Mikołaj.
All of them were confirmed by the Minsk heraldry as " recognized as native nobility " and entered into the first part of the Books of Nobility of this governorate. (National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk, f. 319, no. 2, no. 3153, pp. 19-22).
Onufry Suchozaniet, a lieutenant in the Lithuanian army, was ennobled again in November 1790 with the Szczytomir coat of arms, while for a long time he ignored the summons to the royal chancellery to finally receive the certificate of ennoblement. Probably without this he considered himself – and rightly so – a nobleman, he took the document only after the chancellery secretary threatened him again in writing with serious consequences. This is perhaps not surprising, his father Jan (Johann) de Suchozaniet is called "Eques Polonus" (Polish knight) in the diploma of graduation from the University of Königsberg (Academiae Regiomontanae) from April 27, year CDDCCLI. From this document we learn that Jan Suchozaniet was born on March 6, 1735. His father was Piotr and his mother Maryna Łapicka. He was baptized in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Słuck.
In 1791, archival sources mention in the Vilnius region the same Onufry Suchozaniet, lieutenant of the militia of the Radziwiłł princes. Later, they were in the Russian military service."