from Jesuit Catalog of the Mexican Province

Started by Jose Luis de la Torre Diaz, Jr. on Monday, January 18, 2010
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Profiles Mentioned:

1941-1943 Ysleta College, El Paso, TX. Student of Philosophy.
1944-48 Colegio San Francisco Borja, Tacubaya, D.F. Teacher of Latin and mathematics; Sub-prefect of discipline
1948-49 Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Oña, Burgos, Spain. Student of Theology, year 1
1949-1950 Instituto Sagrado Corozon, Puebla. Sub prefect of discipline
1950-1953 Colegio Maximo Maria Immaculata, Bogotá, Colombia. Student of Theology years 2-4
1953-54 Name omitted from catalog; presumably in Tertianship year (year of ascetical studies after completion of theology)
1954-55 Guadalajara. Instituto de Ciencias. Listed as awaiting assignment.
1955-56 "Action Populaire," Vanves (Seine) France. Study of social questions.
1956-68 "Centro de Información y Acción Social," Torreón, Coah. Director of the Center; Province promoter of the social apostolate. At various times he was listed as moderator of the following organizations:
Escuela Técnica Industrial de Torreón
Caja Popular Lagunera
Consejo Centra de Cajas Populares en Mexico
Asociación Nacional Guadalupana de Trabajadores Mexicanos
Comité Regional de Educación y Vigilancia en el Movimiento Nacional de Cajas Populares
Comité Ejecutiva de la Federación de Cajas Populares de Coahuila
Centro Femenil de Cultura Social
1968-69 Provincial Curia, Mexico City. Administrator of the Curia
1969-72 Instituto Lux, León. Moderator of the organization JOC-GUA-BER; coordinator of "Clases Popular en México: Cursos de Difusión para Obreros de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia."

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