I think this is so great to keep up with family and learn about our family heritage.As a young girl growing up,I remember sitting on the porch with my grandma & mother,and out under the shade tree with my grandpa,they would each tell me about how they grew up,about their parents & siblings(although I didn't know alot of my great-aunts and great-uncles,I felt like I did.I knew the names of all on both sides)they also told me how much stuff cost back then & how hard they had to work & how far they had to travel(walk)to get there.Truly amazing!I thank God for them for doing the things they did to take care of their family and for helping my sick mother in raising myself & Sherri & Kerri(another set)All I can say as I look back over my life from then to now,is,"We've come this far by faith,leaning on the Lord".I also would like to say "Thank You",to Franklin B.& Ruby J.Manoy for giving them the desire to do this family tree for us.I know it must be very time consuming.Please join me in giving them their flowers while they can see,hear,read and smell them or however you give flowers.So from my family to yours,we thank you,love and appreciate you.....C.Brookins-Sparks.