Death of Ida Caroline

Started by Private on Thursday, January 28, 2010
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Beautiful Ida, Died in Sierra Madre CA. was Theodore with her at the time. How could this have happened. There must be a family story here, a lovely 31 year old women with a Son Robert dies and was buried I think in Holbrooke cause thats where I helped send my Granddad in 1955, I was 25 with a family of my own and teaching in PA>

Theodore, Ida and Robert lived in Los Angeles County, California in 1910, as census records show. After Ida died, Theodore moved back to Wisconsin. He was there for the 1920 census, and of course married Anna Tonne in 1914, probably in Wisconsin. No idea why Theodore and Ida were in California in the first place.

Andy Meyerle offers his memory of what transpired when in California Ida contracted and died of TB; and Theo and son Robert returned to Wisconsin and in time married his wife Ida's cousin Annne Tonne, Lau whose husband had died of pnemonia a few years earlier. A new family was formed with Theodore and Robert and Anna her dauhter Cynthia. Roberts young life was cut short with a skating accident in 1915 at the age of seven. He apparently died of a head trauma from a fall.

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