Dear Family:
We have just uncovered that the Lejbik branch of our family (my mother, Doris - Dvorah Aranov, is a Lejbik), traces itself back to the Rosh and the Tur through the Vashlikover Zeide. These are very significant luminaries in the Torah and Jewish world and the Rosh (Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel - 1250-1328) and his son the Tur (Rabbi Yaakov ben Asher - circa 1269 to 1343) are the original authors/codifiers upon which the Shulchan Aruch (Jewish Code of Law) was based.
The Vashlikoer Zeide was also a descendant of the Tosafot Yom Tov (Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller - 1578 to 1654).
As soon as we receive the family tree from our newly-found co-descendants, we wil lbe adding these many generations into our tree here.
Best Wishes to you all!
Please feel free to respond and continue this discussion!
Ytzik Aranov