Sara Mckendree married Bedford Nix, a confederate soldier who was assigned to the Brickyard. They lived near the brickyard. They had several children, The youngest of which was Herbert Bedford Nix who married Dora Eunice Peeples of Camden County, Geogia. The had 14 children, the 7th of which was my Mother, Agnes Sarah Nix who married Rufus Knapp Coleman in 1926. They had 3 children, Ruby Marquite Mooneyham(85), Barbara Jean Blankfield83) and I am Ronald Earl Coleman(80).
Sara's son, Preston, is my great grandmother Ella Almeady Nix's father. She married Donald Peeples. All from Camden County. My mother is Amy Peeples Brown. Sara McKendree Nix of Camden County is the only person ever named as Preston Nix's mother on any site or database I've found. filled in the blanks but I did my own research to verify, as best I could, and I cannot disprove the results. My 5th great grandfather is Osceola Billy Powell.