March 7 2005 written by Clarissa Isabelle (Seabury ) daSilva
1) Edwin told me(Clarissa) Grandpa & Grandma Caldeira had a vineyard of grapes in Panui and every year all the family & Friends would go there and wash their feet and stomp on grapes (boxes) then he would make wine.( Even Grandpa Seabury would go ( Joseph) .
2) Grandma Caldeira during mango season would peel and slice mango for all. He Thinks Grandpa Caldeira dug our Kunawai Cesspool.
3) He (Edwin) says that they were really nice grandparents.
4) Edwin says that grandpa raised chickens & when they got sick he’d bring them down to Kunawai lane (our house) & Edwin would nurse them to health & grandpa would give it to Edwin because he raised chickens.