Volume 29 Copper Cliff, Ontario, December 1969 Number 4
Retired from the charge floor at Coniston on early service pension,
Treffle Talilefer Is a Coniston resident of some 30 years' standing.
"I came to Coniston in 1930 to run the butcher shop for John
Duhalme," he stated. A couple of years later, with the depression at
ts peak, that job ended and a certain young Taillefer found himself
hard pressed until he was able to get work at the smelter in 1933.
Starting on the charge floor he remained with that department.
A motorman for over 25 years, Treffle lost a leg in an accident
last y.ear but Is getting around again quite well on a substitute.
In fact friends claim it hasn't really slowed him down at all.
Born on a farm near Ottawa in 1896 he moved to Cache Bay
where he was raised and helped his family run the store.
In the army from 1917 to 1919 he returned to Cache Bay after
discharge, married Yvonne Desbiens and ran the store for many
years. Their family include several Incoites. Jean's husband
Wilfred Leduc works at Conlston, as does their son Edmond; Lucille
married Leslie Chyka of Garson. and Jacqueline, Don Vallier of
Copper Cliff. Yvette is Mrs. Oscar Gouvreau of Sudbury and
Paul also works in town. They have 18 grandchildren.
"I keep plenty busy," Treffle told the Triangle, "between visiting my family, looking after my house and of course I spend quite
a bit of time at the club here too." A man who enjoys his blessings
Treffle hasn't time to bother with his afflictions.