my soulmate

Started by Private User on Sunday, March 28, 2010
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  • Private User
    Geni member

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Most people didnt understand Saulius,they didnt know the depth of love this man had. I met him at 18-he was 23 and promply feel in love with him,no matter how hard i tried to foght it. FUNNY THING IS WHEN HE PUT HIS MIND TO SOMETHING HE MADE IT HAPPEN. For 21 yrs we'd been through thick and thin and it devistated me in2006 when i lost him,part of me died and for 6 months i crawled into a hole. Until i realized how full of life he always was and he would of kicked my butt for it. So i go day by day on the good memories until i can be wih him again. The hours upon hours of all night talks in our apartment,the fireworks on our trip to FtWayne,him holding my hand with my grams illness and the countless hours in his arms with him telling me he loved me-thats what gets me through each day. Plus teaching my kids to love fishing and cribbage!! with love Sauls librariansweetheart Andrea

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