Christoffel Frederick Jacobus Muller

Started by Alison Liddell Muller (Griffiths) on Tuesday, March 30, 2010
3/30/2010 at 11:19 PM

Professor C.F.J. Muller was born in Graaff-Reinet on 22nd December 1845 and was a Theologian. He was the second child of Jan Frederick Muller and Anna Amelia Rothman. He was very young when his father died and as a result, he began working for a Lawyer at the age of 14. Just before he was about to enter the legal profession in 1865, he decided to become a Minister. He soon passed the entrance examination and went to Stellenbosch in 1866, where he obtained the equivalent of the B.A. degree in 1868 and completed his theological studies in 1871. In the beginning he was an assistant minister to a Cape Town congregation, later he accepted a call to Swellendam, where he was ordained and installed on 13th July 1872. He accepted a call to George and did a great deal for the Public School for Boys (Publieke Jongense School) He published his impressions of a journey to Palestine in "Op 'n reis na Palestine" and he was also the editor of the Parish Journal "De Bezoeker van George". He did an immense amount for underprivileged children. He accepted a call to "De Nieuwe Kerk" in Cape Town in 1884 and in 1891 (under his guidance) the congregation became an independent Parish. In 1897, he was elected "Scriba Synodi" after acting as a delegate to the Presbyterian Assembly in Glasgow the previous year. Christoffel was appointed to the fourth chair when it was introduced at the Theological Seminary of Stellenbosch in 1899. His special province was Biblical Studies and the related subjects, Archaeology and Canonics. He retained the chair until his death. He was an Author of various publications which included "De Leerstukken der Sabbatariers", "Romish assertions refuted" and "Zaterdag of Zondag". He was jointly responsible for establishing the "Volksbode" and the "Het Gereformeerde Maandblad". In 1887 , The Christelike Strewersvereniging (The Christian Enddeavour Society) was founded in South Africa for which the first Executive was elected 1st March 1901. Christoffel was chosen as Chairman in October 1902. Even after he had been succeeded in 1903 by the Rev. D.J. Le R Marchand, he retained a lively interest in the Society.
Christoffel Frederick Jacobus Muller "identified himself" with his people during the years of struggle and although at first he fought for the rights of the Dutch language, he was one of the first to support the youngest people in their efforts to have Afrikaans officially recognised". Many years before on 18th February 1873, he married Johanna Hendrina Louw one of 7 daughters of Adriaan Jacobus Louw of Paarl. They had five children of whom the very talented Tobias Ballot Muller was youngest. Professsor Christoffel Frederick Jacobus Muller died in Stellenbosch on 13th August 1915.

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