Friend limits

Started by Martin Severin Eriksen on Monday, April 12, 2010
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with the new rules that geni have given to all,we have started to trip into troubles.
yesterday,i started to send out friend request,so i could be abel to take on the zombies out there.
since only family and friends,can work on those.
and the geni system,do not figure out when in time the zombie walked on our planet.

so a zombie born in the year 1 BC,is in geni recognised as living.

and since yesterday,and with the help of all my new friends.
i have wasted over 100 zombies.
and that is just in a wery close erea.

now the problems begin,since geni only lett any one if us to have 500 friends.
and i`m wery close to hit that limit.
and as a great geni member said : THIS IS NOW,DEAD END OF GENI.

we all,need to open the eyes of those at geni that are making the rules.
so they see what problems they are creating.

it might be time,to start sending the frustration over all our problems were it belongs.

how this should be done,is another task.
since all they answer is : SEND MANAGER A MESSAGE !

one thing,could be if every one sent there frustrations directly to geni.
and lett them hear about all the troubles they have created,without listening to those that has told them a lot about this problems befor they turned up !

I have reached this limit :(

I removed now 30 family members from list of friends (thay aren't happy about) and quite soon I reach this limit again

Why do you need to clean up other families trees and more than 500 of them?
If all try too keep the quality and accuracy of the profiles in thair own part of the tree and filtered out all the rough profiles that always will be there as long as every one can add with no quality controll.....!

Runar. The kind of activities, societies and trees is absolutely different
People usings, expectations an dcomputer (and language) knowledge and feeling of privacy is absolutely different

In Estonia we have large family trees with tens and hundreds of active users. We are creating and correcting trees in collaborative way. THis is about both - living and deceased peoples.

New privacy rules don't fit exact to this - we couldnt make all those trees to public, becouse public is too public (searchable through internet, visible for everyone). This is peacouse most of living part and reasonable part of deceased part of aour trees is private. and becouse several people enterig - there happend duplicates. And people dont find easy those duplicates and someone is oreinted to help other people to fix and connect those trees. And becouse changed rules - for doing this is required more than 500 firends relations.

There is no question about 500 trees - one sinple family with 1000 members could have 20-30 active users. And all those entered profiles will be separately checked against group membership. So working with 30-40 different trees reach number of active partners quite quickly.

THats quite simple

there is also exaples on profiles,with a lot more than 100 managers.

those managers,have trees all over,involving a large number of other managers.

i got 4 of my siblings online geni and my mother,and also some of there friends.
so just there,i am up in 10 family members and frieds.
and not even past my mothers generation.

when going to my grandparents,great grand parents.
and add the number of managers that have them as relatives.
then it is about 20.
and every generation back,brings a bundle of new managers thats involved in the tree.
since almost every child in every generation,makes a new branch in the tree.

I have 3200 blood relatives (approx 8-10 generation - written sources destoyed during Liwonia War so our writen archives isn't there beyond XVI century)
1900 of those relatives are living.
317 of those are claimed

My family group have 4133 profiles, 2144 living, 836 claimed

I have 446 inlaw tree - so when think about - there is potentially 120K active users in my inlaw trees (reality is about 10-20K active users in my inlaw round)

When all families enter their children - I need to have 1000-5000 friends to see all of them.

I agree - they are theoretical numbers but reality is that after changing rules when only friends can see relatives beyond 4th generation increased dramatically demand of friendship and 500 is absolutely to low number.


have sent a new message to the so calld HELP desk at geni,and told them to fix the zombie issue they have given to all.

have collaborators that do not axept family or friend requests.
even tho they are online almost every day.
and have now so much gray profiles in my tree,close to my self.
so it is now no reason to work any further with my tree actualy.
becose i can`t even see the names on the profiles,i need to fix or merge.

since there is managers that has multiple accounts,specialy 1 that i have found with 4 difrent ones.
all registred as sibblings.
i have also told geni to realy put the breaks on gedcoms,bigger than 4-5 generations back.

becose 4 difrent accounts,with up too 100 thousend profiles in each one of them.
that give all of us,a hole lot of merge issues and duplicates to solve.
just becose 1 nut case,want to have a big tree of his own.

and no,this one is not mentioned in any other Discussion that i know of !

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