with the new rules that geni have given to all,we have started to trip into troubles.
yesterday,i started to send out friend request,so i could be abel to take on the zombies out there.
since only family and friends,can work on those.
and the geni system,do not figure out when in time the zombie walked on our planet.
so a zombie born in the year 1 BC,is in geni recognised as living.
and since yesterday,and with the help of all my new friends.
i have wasted over 100 zombies.
and that is just in a wery close erea.
now the problems begin,since geni only lett any one if us to have 500 friends.
and i`m wery close to hit that limit.
and as a great geni member said : THIS IS NOW,DEAD END OF GENI.
we all,need to open the eyes of those at geni that are making the rules.
so they see what problems they are creating.
it might be time,to start sending the frustration over all our problems were it belongs.
how this should be done,is another task.
since all they answer is : SEND MANAGER A MESSAGE !
one thing,could be if every one sent there frustrations directly to geni.
and lett them hear about all the troubles they have created,without listening to those that has told them a lot about this problems befor they turned up !