In the GENI tree Anders Sørensen Vedel (1542-1616) is the connecting point between, through his first wife Marine Hansdatter Svane, 6000 mainly Norwegian descendants and, through his second wife Mette Hansdatter Laugesen, almost 1200 mainly Danish descendants.
In both countries among these descendants there are a large number of clergymen and government officials who in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries have played an important role in the cultural and economic development of their respective countries ( or as in the case of Ludvig Holberg) of both countries.
The link from Mette Hansdatter Laugesen go through her 9 children (of which three Maren, Søren and Lauge are ancestors of my children and grandchildren through different intermingling lines).
The link from Marine Hansdatter Svane is much more fragile. She married Anders Sørensen Vedel in 1577 only 15 years old and died in childbirth the year after giving birth to Marine Andersdatter Svane, She in turn had three daughters, Maren, Ingeborg and Anna, each with numerous offspring providing the solid basis in Norway for their grandmother’s 6000 descendants.
Yes, Anders Sørensen Vedel was married twice, first with Marine (or Mette) Hansdatter Svane who died in childbirth in 1578 and second with Mette Hansdatter Laugesen.
Further confusion can arise because Marine Andersdatter Friis (Svane) carries her grandfathers rather than her fathers surname as maiden name.
In order not to confuse the two "Mette (Marine) Hansdatter", I have added the father's surname as maiden name (although they probably never have used that name as at the time a woman did not have any separate legal identity. A woman changed from being in the stewardship of their father (brother if the father had died ) to being in the stewardship of their husband. Numbering would be difficult. Which family group should we number? Different people might apply the different numbers depending on the choice of family group? In general adding the fathers surname as maiden name provide a unique identification and naturally different people in general have different year of birth and death. Indicating in "About me" the source of the information provided in a profile help avoid confusion and false mergers.
@Marine Hansdatter (Svane) (1562 - 1578)
@Mette Hansdatter Vedel (Laugesen) (1561 - 1633)
@Marine Andersdatter Friis (Svane) (1578 - 1630)