The medical record for a Baby Smith gives the following information: stillborn a male fetus showing early autolysis with unusual edema of the cord. That changes in the lungs are somewhat suggestive of but not considered diagnostic of pneumonia. Nothing is seen to suggest erythroblstosis.
This mascerated fetus was delivered of a 30 year old Gravid III Para II mother after a first stage of labor about 3:15:00. Fetal heart tones were not heard on admission. Blood pressure readings vary from 170/100 to 154/96. The year-end contained one plus albumin with 100 to 200 RBC. and 20 to 40 WBC. The mother was Rh negative. Prenatal course was said to be an eventful until two weeks before admission when she developed a fever, vomiting, hypertension and leucocytosis.
Dr. M. A. Casebolt, Trinity Lutheran Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri