I am befuddled. I find a "merge issue" that says "possible partner conflict". So I open up the merge issue and see that I need to merge 4 exactly- the-same-spouses and drag them all into 1 (they all have exactly the same data). Then when I go back to "merge issue" I always find that the profile I am working on now says: "conflicting data" -- "view profile". Then I see no way to do anything with this profile -- it just stays there as a "merge issue" that says "conflicting data" which I cannot work with.
Jim, you can open up the single profile, and on the right hand side of the screen, look for the link that says "More Actions". Click on this link to open a mini-menu, and in that menu should be a selection titled "Resolve Conflicting Data". Click on this link, and you will get a "Resolve" screen to resolve the conflicting data.