conflicting data -- view profile (singular: profile - not profiles)

Started by Jim Meissner on Friday, April 30, 2010
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4/30/2010 at 3:36 PM

I am befuddled. I find a "merge issue" that says "possible partner conflict". So I open up the merge issue and see that I need to merge 4 exactly- the-same-spouses and drag them all into 1 (they all have exactly the same data). Then when I go back to "merge issue" I always find that the profile I am working on now says: "conflicting data" -- "view profile". Then I see no way to do anything with this profile -- it just stays there as a "merge issue" that says "conflicting data" which I cannot work with.

Private User
5/1/2010 at 11:19 AM

When you have this issue many times the names are spelled differntly or one is an initial. You need to select the one you want to go forward with.

5/1/2010 at 5:44 PM

Thanks -- but that isn't it. I know I made a mess of it by loading duplicate gedcom files to (I thought the first one hadn't been accepted or didn't go thru). Anyway I've been doing a lot of merging ever since -- and the ones I am merging are EXACTLY the same profiles.

5/3/2010 at 8:44 AM

Jim, you can open up the single profile, and on the right hand side of the screen, look for the link that says "More Actions". Click on this link to open a mini-menu, and in that menu should be a selection titled "Resolve Conflicting Data". Click on this link, and you will get a "Resolve" screen to resolve the conflicting data.


5/13/2010 at 4:14 PM

Thanks David. I am down to 7 "merge issues" and most are "pending merges".

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