This profile is getting way out of hand. Obviously not many people that lay claim to this notable ancestor have done their homework. 1st of all, his wife or wives name is UNKNOWN at this time. There is a lot of speculation, but NO proven facts. All that is known is that they are UNKNOWN. 2nd, his 1st born child is an UNKNOWN female who married "Pierre Lejeune dit Briard". Next came Pierre Doucet dit LaVerdure, who married Henriette Pelletret. Next came Margeritte Louise Judith Doucet who married Abraham Coignet Dugas. Finally, Germain Doucet, who married Marie Marguerite Landry. These are the ONLY known children. And again, their mother's name is UNKNOWN. Anybody with doubt can go to Michele Doucette's homepage, where she has accumulated a vast amount of information, at .
It would be tremendously helpful if people STOPPED copying or merging other people's work without first becoming familiar with what it contains. Fix the errors first, then merge. Of course if your purpose is to perpetuate lies and wrong information, then God help us all.
As a start, I would suggest correcting spelling errors found in the names, and deleting those individuals that do not belong. Thank you...