HELP!! Lost a connection

Started by Janice Weeks Hollenczer on Thursday, May 13, 2010
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5/13/2010 at 12:06 PM

Can anyone advise me on this? I have two connections to my 7th great grandfather, but one of them is showing up as my cousin or uncle or something. I fixed this last month, it got screwed up again, I unmerged-remerged, but didn't work. Jospeh Weekes Captain is my 5th great grandfather; I just don't know how to get him back to that position. Any help is welcome! Thank you!

Private User
5/13/2010 at 12:26 PM

its a painstaking job, what i did was to create a new tree to my 10th great grandfather and then edit the other "wrong tree" in the profile name as "to be deleted", in the hope that one day some other smart alec will fix it up for me... as for my newly created tree i remerged it with the rest of the big tree again... thats y i like to collaborate with almost everyone from now on, just my two cents :)

5/13/2010 at 12:40 PM

Janice, I can try to help. But we'll have to become collaborators first. There is also that you might need to let me in to your Family Group, even if only temporarily.

Can you give me the URL or profile number for your 7th great grandfather?

5/13/2010 at 12:40 PM

try the collaboration pool, i would love to help you, but i don't have the experience. Someone else in the pool might be able to jump in and unmerge and remerge the right profiles. As i understand it you remove the wrong merge after unmarking, then search for it under the right profile( under similar profiles or merge issues), and then merge it where it belongs, but im not sure.

5/13/2010 at 1:12 PM

is that the one your are trying to reconnect or is another one

5/13/2010 at 1:20 PM

Thank you all.

I'm happy to collaborate with all (well, most all on geni, lol). I'm in the collaboration pool also. Oddly enough, sometimes the line shows up correctly if I check farther into the big tree, in the grand scheme of things anyway, but in checking my own personal tree, the lines are messed up.

@Francis, yes, that is one of the Josephs I'm trying to show as being my direct ancestor; his father Joseph is the other. Links are below.

@David, I'm sending a collaboration request to you, thank you. Family Group is ok too. (I'm easy, LOL). I love the idea of the Big Tree - it's such fun!

Joseph Weeks Captain, my 5th GGF, son of Joseph Weekes m. Hannah Reddock/Reddocke, grandson of Francis Weeks m. Elizabeth (poss.) Luther, below, is showing up as my 1st cousin 8 x removed;
Joseph Weeks, Jr.

Joseph Weekes (Sr.) m. Hannah Reddock/Reddocke, son of Francis Weekes m. Elizabeth (poss) Luther, my 6th GGF, shows up as my 8th great uncle (I'm connected to Francis Weekes more than one way):
Capt. Joseph Weekes

Francis Weekes, my 7th great grandfather (and he shows up as my 7th GGF with the Josephs in place now - go figure, but neither Joseph is shown as #GGF:
Francis Weekes of Oyster Bay

5/13/2010 at 1:21 PM

David, I think we are already collaborators!

5/13/2010 at 1:41 PM

I think the problem has something to do with this profile. Two sets of parents that look similar, but perhaps are not?

Click on the little yellow triangle to see what I mean.

5/13/2010 at 1:47 PM

I have noticed that Geni often makes funny choices in picking the "path to me" from a profile - several times I have clicked on a profile and seen "this is your 25th grandfather", clicked on his father, and gotten the message "this is your 12th grandmother's uncle's 15th grandfather's brother's wife".

It may be as simple as the search algorithm they're using not strongly preferring the direct path.

Harald, their search algorithm is affected by two major parameters:
1) the shortest path,
2) paths they already have cached in memory.

#2 often overrides #1

5/13/2010 at 7:17 PM

David, yes, Abigail is in the wrong generation, but I don't think she's causing the problem? Well, there's the problem in that I don't have access to those profiles and can't detach them from that generation. Abigail, Amy and Micah as shown in the Weeks/Reddocke generation should actually be in the next one. I can change Chad Bouldin's profiles, but can't change Paul Douglas Van Dillen's since he doesn't want to collaborate. He's my cousin in a Coles line and has some of my profiles under his management there too. He's also my partner's cousin and fraternity brother from 40 plus years ago. There are a number of books with erroneous info that almost everyone uses it seems, except people that are direct descendants of that particular line.
Just got in, have to get settled. Thanks for looking!

5/13/2010 at 7:23 PM

Harald, I've seen that too, but not when going to my own tree and clicking on profiles. Now, when I follow my line from me back in my own tree, I'm being told - what I said before lol. The two Josephs actually are also my cousin/uncle since I'm descended from another of Francis Weeks's children, but this has never happened before. Funny thing, if I go to a big tree ancestor, the correct line does show, through the Josephs. Too much for me tonight I'm afraid.

Shmuel - "algorithm" and "parameter" - my eyes glaze over! LOL - No, j/k, I understand what you're saying, I just wouldn't want to be the one to figure out numbers!!

Thank you both!

5/13/2010 at 7:54 PM

Take a look now. Have I fixed it?

5/13/2010 at 9:27 PM

David, thanks, but no - now it seems Charles m Anna Longworth is no longer my 4th GGF! I appreciate the try though!

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