famous descendents of John Alden

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5/20/2010 at 10:00 AM

Some Famous Alden Descendants

John5 Adams (1735-1826) Robert10 Lansing (1864-1928)
John Quincy6 Adams (1767-1848) Henry Wadsworth8 Longfellow (1807-1882)
Brooks8 Adams (1848-1927) Jan Garrigue11 Masaryk (1886-1948)
Charles Francis7 Adams (1807-1886) Samuel Eliot9 Morison (1887-1976)
Henry8 Adams (1838-1918) Sophia Peabody8 Hawthorne (1809-1871)
Edwin Hyde8 Alden (1836-1911) Mary Tyler 8Peabody (1806-1887)
Norma Jean11 Baker (1936-1962) Abel Head8 “Shanghai” Pierce (1834-1900)
William Cullen7 Bryant (1794-1878) James Danforth12 Quayle (1947- )
Daniel Hudson9-10 Burnham (1846-1912) Samuel5 Seabury, Jr. (1729-1796)
Frank Nelson9 Doubleday (1819-1893) Adlai Ewing13 Stevenson III (1930- )
Herbert Henry9 Dow (1866-1930) John6 Trumbull (1756-1843)
George Bird9 Grinnell (1849-1938) Jonathan6 Trumbull, Jr. (1740-1809)
Josiah Bushnell8 Grinnell (1821-1891) Joseph6 Trumbull (1737-1778)
Martha10 Graham (1894-1991) Frederica 12von Stade (1945- )
Granville Stanley9 Hall (1844-1924) George) Orson9 Welles (1915-1985)

Note: The Alden Kindred is indebted to Mr. Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England
Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, for his research on famous Alden descendants.

John5 Adams
Founding father. Second President of the United States , first vice-president of the U.S., member of the Continental Congress, helped draft the Declaration of Independence, helped negotiate the treaty of Paris with England in 1783. Last Years Adams spent his last 25 years on his farm in Massachusetts. Although he never again participated in public life, he remained interested in and informed about the affairs of his country. The career of his son John Quincy Adams gave him great pleasure, and he lived to see him elected president of the United States in 1824. Adams died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, a few hours after Thomas Jefferson. Visit Adams Historic Park
John5 Adams (John,4 Hannah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1)

John Quincy6 Adams
(1767-1848) Sixth President of the U.S. (1825-1829). Second child and eldest son of John Adams. Adams's career of public service was one of the most varied and distinguished in American history. He served his nation as a diplomat, senator, secretary of state, president, and member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Visit Adams Historic Park

John Quincy6 Adams (John,5-4 Hannah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1)

Brooks8 Adams
(1848-1927) American historian, b. Quincy, Mass.; son of Charles Francis Adams. His theory that civilization rose and fell according to the growth and decline of commerce was first developed in The Law of Civilization and Decay (1895). Adams applied it to his own capitalistic age, of which he was a militant critic, but failed to find the universal law that he persistently sought. His ideas greatly influenced his brother Henry Adams whose essays he edited in The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma (1919). In America's Economic Supremacy (1900), Brooks said that Western Europe had already begun to decline and that Russia and the United States were the only potential great powers left.

Brooks8 Adams (Charles F.,7 John Q.,6 John,5-4 Hannah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1)

Charles Francis7 Adams (1807-1886) American diplomat and editor, grandson of John Adams and son of John Quincy Adams. In 1861 President Abraham Lincoln appointed him minister to Britain. His skillful handling of this position during the American Civil War is an outstanding chapter in the history of American diplomacy. He edited several books, including the Life and Works of John Adams (10 volumes, 1850-1856) and the Memoirs of John Quincy Adams (12 volumes, 1874-1877).

Charles Francis7 Adams (John Q.,6 John,5-4 Hannah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1)

Henry8 Adams
(1838-1918) American writer and historian, b. Boston; son of Charles Francis Adams (1807–86). He was secretary (1861–68) to his father, then U.S. minister to Great Britain. Upon his return to the United States, having already abandoned the law and seeing no opportunity in the traditional Adams vocation of politics, he briefly pursued journalism. He reluctantly accepted (1870) an offer to teach medieval history at Harvard, but nonetheless stayed on seven years and also edited (1870–76) the North American Review. His exhaustive study of the administrations of Jefferson and Madison, History of the United States of America (9 vol., 1889–91; reprinted in a number of editions), is one of the major achievements of American historical writing. Famous for its style, it is deficient, perhaps, in understanding the basic economic forces at work, but the first six chapters constitute one of the best social surveys of any period in U.S. history.

Henry8 Adams (Charles F.,7 John Q.,6 John,5-4 Hannah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1)

Edwin Hyde8 Alden
(1836-1911) Minister whose life what depicted in the series of children's books by author Laura Ingalls Wilder and subsequently featured in the TV Series, "Little House on the Prairie." For a full description of his life, refer to the Mayflower Quarterly, Vol. 64, No 4 (November, 1998).

Edwin Hyde8 Alden (Elam,7 Daniel,6-5-4 Joseph,3-2 John1) and (Elam,7 Sarah6 Alden, Ezra,5 Eleazer,4 Joseph,3-2 John1)

Norma Jean11 Baker
(1936-1962) The former Norma Jeane Baker, far better known as Marilyn Monroe, who had lived in an orphanage, was an actress, yes. She traded her head of average brown curls for blond-bombshell status, true. She was a walking confection of sexuality, a lonely and insecure little girl, an object of desire for the man in the street and the President in the White House. And when she died in 1962 of a drug overdose, at the age of 36, her acting teacher, Lee Strasberg, tried to describe her aura in a eulogy: ''She had a luminous quality,'' he said, ''a combination of wistfulness, radiance, yearning...to set her apart, and yet it made everyone wish to be part of it, to share in the childish naïveté which was at once so shy and yet so vibrant.'' From Entertainment Weekly Nov 5, 1999. Link to information. Link to information.

Norma Jean11 Baker. Her father is reputed to have been Charles Stanley10 Gifford (Frederick A.,9 Charles A.,8 Lydia F.7 Tompkins, Uriah,6 Micah,5 Sarah4 Coe, Sarah3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

William Cullen7 Bryant
(1794-1878) William Cullen Bryant was our " first American writer of verse to win international acclaim." (Tomlinson, 30) Bryant was considered a child-prodigy, publishing his first poem at age ten and his first book when he was thirteen, a political satire of an embargo policy of Thomas Jefferson. Bryant received great praise for his poetry, but the critics did not give him unconditional laurels, due to the absence of a full range of poetry, such as epics, elegies, and verse drama. Link to his literature.

William Cullen7 Bryant (Sarah6 Snell, Ebenezer,5 Zachariah,4 Anna3 Alden, Jonathan,2 John1)

Daniel Hudson9-10 Burnham
(1846-1912) The Chicago architect and city planner, a developer of the skyscraper.

Daniel Hudson9-10 Burnham (Elizabeth Keith8 Weeks, Holland,7 Hannah6 Moseley, Sarah5 Capen, Ruth4 Thayer, Sarah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1). and (Elizabeth Keith9 Weeks, Harriet Byron8 Hopkins, Anna7 Whiting, Gamaliel,6 Elizabeth5 Bradford, Hannah4 Rogers, Elizabeth3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Frank Nelson9 Doubleday
(1819-1893) Founder of the publishing company that bears his name. Doubleday's century of publishing began in 1897 when he founded Doubleday & McClure Company in partnership with magazine publisher Samuel McClure. In 1900 the company became Doubleday, Page & Company when Walter Hines Page joined as a new partner and McClure left the scene. Page was a strong co-leader until his appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James in 1913. Doubleday merged with George H. Doran Company in 1927, making Doubleday, Doran the largest publishing concern in the English-speaking world. The business became known as Doubleday & Company in 1946. Doubleday was sold to Bertelsmann, AG, a Germany-based worldwide communications company in 1986. In 1988 it became part of the Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group which went on to acquire and become a division of Random House Inc. in 1998.
Frank Nelson9 Doubleday (Ellen Maria8 Dickinson, Horace,7 Mary6 Little, Ephraim,5 Elizabeth4 Southworth, Rebecca3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1

Herbert Henry9 Dow
(1866-1930) One of the most eminent chemical pioneers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In his lifetime, Herbert Henry Dow received over 100 patents, introduced many chemical firsts in America, and received the prestigious Perkin Medal in 1930. Both a chemist and an astute entrepreneur, Dow built The Dow Chemical Company from humble beginnings in Canton, Ohio. Soon, Dow moved his enterprise to Midland, Michigan, where in an ever expanding facility, processes and products proliferated and initiated the development of Dow as the worldwide chemical giant of today.
Herbert Henry Dow9 Dow, Joseph Henry8, Abigail7, Jonathan6, French, Jonathan,5, Thayer, Esther4 Bass, Sarah3, Ruth2, Alden, John1

George Bird9 Grinnell
(1849-1938) 1849-1938, Naturalist, conservationist, editor of Field & Stream, founder of the Audubon Society.

George Bird9 Grinnell (George B.,8 George,6-7 William,5 George,4 Lydia3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Josiah Bushnell8 Grinnell
(1821-1891) Congregational clergyman, abolitionist, founder of Grinnell, Iowa, and of Grinnell College, friend of Lincoln and Horace Greeley.

Josiah Bushnell8 Grinnell (Mylon,7 Reuben,6 Daniel,5 George,4 Lydia3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Martha10 Graham
(1894-1991) American dancer, teacher, choreographer and pioneer of modern dance. In 1930 she founded the Dance Repertory Theater where she trained the company in her own method that has been widely adapted around the world. One of her best know ballets, Appalachian Spring (1958), was a product of her interest in Native American life and mythology and the early American pioneer spirit. Link to information.
Martha10 Graham (Jane9 Beers, Mary8 Hamilton, Frances7 Staples, Job,6 John,5 Hannah4 Standish, Ebenezer,3 Sarah2 Alden, John1).

Granville Stanley9 Hall
(1844-1924) American psychologist and educator, professor at Antioch College and lecturer at Harvard. In 1882, as a professor at John Hopkins, he introduced experimental psychology on a laboratory scale. Founded the American Journal of Psychology. Exerted profound influence on educational and child psychology in the US. First president of Clark University (1889-1920). Link to information.
Granville Stanley9 Hall (Abigail8 Beals, Abigail7 Vining, Abigail6 Alden, Ezra,5 Ebenezer,4 Isaac,3 Joseph,2 John1)

Robert10 Lansing
(1864-1928) American lawyer and statesmen. An authority on international law, he succeeded William Jennings Bryan as President Wilson's Secretary of State. He resigned in 1920 in a dispute over the League of Nations.
Robert10 Lansing (Maria Lay9 Dodge, Jerusha Lay8 Sterling, Jerusha7 Ely, Jerusha6 Lay, Christopher,5 Mary4 Grinnell, Lydia3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Henry Wadsworth8 Longfellow
(1807-1882) American poet. Professor at Bowdoin and Harvard Colleges. His most popular works include Hiawatha, The Courtship of Myles Standish and Tales of a Wayside Inn which included Paul Revere's Ride." While not considered one of the greatest poets, his gift of simple, romantic story-telling in verse makes him popular even today. Link to information.
Henry Wadsworth8 Longfellow (Zilpha7 Wadsworth, Peleg,6-5 Mercy4 Wiswall, Priscilla3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1) and (Zilpha7 Wadsworth, Peleg,6 Susannah5 Sampson, Priscilla4 Bartlett, Ruth3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Jan Garrigue11 Masaryk
(1886-1948) Diplomat, Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia, son of Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, Founder-president of Czechoslovakia. Married Bostonian Charlotte Garrigue. Escaped to London after the outbreak of WWI where he became chairman of the Czech National Council, heading a powerful group of exiles who presented convincing arguments for a "new Europe" based on self-determination. Among the first statesmen to recognize the menace of Hitler. Link to information. (Charlotte10 Garrigue, Charlotte Lydia9 Whiting, William L.,8 John,7 William B.,6 Elizabeth5 Bradford, Hannah4 Rogers, Elizabeth3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Samuel Eliot9 Morison
(1887-1976) American historian. Morison was born in Boston and educated at Harvard. He taught history at Harvard from 1915 to 1922, was professor of American history at the University of Oxford from 1922 to 1925, and then returned to Harvard as a professor of history from 1925 to 1955. His writings include Admiral of the Ocean Sea (2 volumes, 1942), which won the Pulizer Prize in 1943; the most popular edition of William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation (1952), John Paul Jones (1959), which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1960; and The Oxford History of the American People (1965).
Samuel Eliot9 Morison (Emily Marshall8 Eliot, Samuel,7 Margaret Boies6 Bradford, Alden5 [Bradford], Sarah4 Alden, Samuel,3 David,2 John1)

Sophia Peabody8 Hawthorne
(1809-1871) Although she may be remembered best for her famous husband, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Sophia Hawthorne was herself a noteworthy illustrator, and writer. Sophia's older sisters, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody and Mary Tyler Peabody would become well known in their own right: Elizabeth was extremely active in education reform, published and wrote textbooks and pamphlets, and established and taught at a number of schools. Mary also taught and later married Horace Mann.
(Nathaniel7 Isaac,6 Sarah5 Dorman, Sarah4 Thayer, Sarah3 Bass, Ruth2 Alden, John1)

Mary Tyler 8Peabody
(1806-1887) (Sister of Elizabeth, above, and Sophia, below), wife of Horace Mann [pioneer of the improvement of the common school system, secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education, congressman, and president of Antioch College], “biographer of her husband, and (with her sister) a leader in the American Kindergarten movement.”

Abel Head8 “Shanghai” Pierce
(1834-1900) Texas cattleman and rancher, whose estate first introduced Brahmin cattle to Texas
(Hannah7 Head, Daniel,6 Ruth5 Little, Fobes,4 Martha3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

James Danforth12 Quayle
(1947- ) U.S. Vice-President under George Herbert Walker Bush

(James C.,11 Marie Pauline10 Cline, Delia9 Burras, Oscar,8 Sally7 Standish, Peleg,6 Zachariah,4-5 Ebenezer,3 Sarah2 Alden, John1)

Samuel5 Seabury, Jr.
(1729-1796) 1ST U.S. Episcopal Bishop (of Connecticut and R.I.), loyalist, author.

(Samuel,4 Elizabeth3 Alden, David,2 John1) Link to information.

Adlai Ewing13 Stevenson III
(1930- ) U.S. Senator, son of Adlai Ewing Stevenson II, Governor of Illinois, Democratic Presidential candidate, diplomat.

(Ellen Borden,12 John,11 Mary DeGama10 Whiting, John T.,9 John L.,8 John,7 William B.,6 Elizabeth5 Bradford, Hannah4 Rogers, Elizabeth3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1). Link to information.

John6 Trumbull
(1756-1843) Son of Jonathan Trumbull, merchant, jurist, Governor of Connecticut, and Revolutionary patriot

John6 Trumbull (Faith5 Robinson, Hannah4 Wiswall, Priscilla3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

Jonathan6 Trumbull, Jr.
(1740-1809) (brother of John Trumbull, above) , merchant, Revolutionary soldier, congressman (and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), U.S. Senator, Governor of Connecticut

Joseph6 Trumbull
(1737-1778) (brother of John and Jonathan, above) merchant, Commissary-General of the Continental Army

Frederica 12von Stade
(1945- ) Opera singer

(Sara Worthington12 Clucas, Frederica11 Bull, Mary Helen10 Robinson, Margaret Downing9 Lanman, David T.,8 Abigail7 Trumbull, David,6 Faith5 Robinson, Hannah4 Wiswall, Priscilla3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1). Link to information.

(George) Orson9 Welles
(1915-1985) An American actor and director. In 1938 his radio production of HG Wells' War of the Worlds was so realistic that it caused panic in the USA. In 1941 he wrote, produced, directed and acted in the film Citizen Kane, a revolutionary landmark in cinema technique. In 1942 he produced and directed a screen version of Booth Tarkington's The Magnificent Ambersons. Of his most memorable stage and film roles was that of Harry Lime in The Third Man. Link to information.

(Richard H.,9 Mary Blanche8 Head, Orson S.,7 Jonathan,6 Ruth5 Little, Fobes,4 Martha3 Pabodie, Elizabeth2 Alden, John1)

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